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Surveillance Reviews

2014 Triennial Surveillance Review

Last Updated: July 28, 2017

The IMF regularly reviews the effectiveness of how it monitors economic developments and provides policy advice across its 188 member countries and the global economy—a process known as "surveillance". The latest Triennial Surveillance Review was completed in September 2014.

The review aims to enhance Fund surveillance by building on the major reforms to detect risks and spillovers that were implemented following the 2011 review. The IMF is also striving for "smarter" surveillance that adapts to emerging challenges—such as generating job-rich growth in the post-crisis world—and is based on a deeper understanding of country perspectives.

In this spirit, the review drew on a wide range of outside views from external experts and stakeholders, including policymakers in member countries and civil society. An independent External Advisory Group also provided extensive input and scrutiny.

The proposals emerging from this review focus on five priority areas: integrate and deepen risk and spillover analysis; mainstream macro-financial surveillance; increased attention to structural policies, including labor market issues; deliver cohesive and expert policy advice; and a client-focused approach, supported by clear and candid communication.

2014 Triennial Surveillance Review Documents

Managing Director's Statement

Overview Paper

Managing Director’s Action Plan

Evidence Base

Analytical Background Studies

Report of the External Advisory Group

External Commentaries