IMF Staff Country Reports

Kingdom of Netherlands: Netherlands: Financial System Stability Assessment

June 21, 2011

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International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department "Kingdom of Netherlands: Netherlands: Financial System Stability Assessment", IMF Staff Country Reports 2011, 144 (2011), accessed February 16, 2025,

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The Netherlands has been heavily affected by the global financial crisis. The “Twin Peaks” supervision model, with Netherlands Central Bank - De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) as the prudential supervisor, and the Authority for Financial Markets (AFM) responsible for conduct-of-business supervision, was severely tested, although the case for the model remains strong. The crisis has shown that these institutions bring sizable risks, which requires careful and comprehensive monitoring and supervision. The findings of the Financial Stability Assessment Program (FSAP) are summarized. Top-down stress tests were conducted. Supervisory colleges are an important innovation to reinforce home-host coordination for supervisors of large complex financial institutions (LCFIs).

Subject: Bank resolution, Banking, Expenditure, Financial crises, Financial institutions, Financial sector policy and analysis, Financial sector stability, Housing prices, Insurance, Mortgages, Pension spending, Prices

Keywords: Bank access, Bank resolution, Bank resolution, Bank resolution operation, Central bank, CR, Europe, Financial sector stability, Financial system, Global, Holding company, Housing prices, Insolvent bank, Insurance, Interest rate, ISCR, Pension line, Pension spending, Restructuring transaction

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