IMF Staff Country Reports

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Technical Assistance Report-Report on External Sector Statistics Mission

February 13, 2020

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Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Technical Assistance Report-Report on External Sector Statistics Mission, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 2020) accessed February 15, 2025


This technical advice provided by the staff of the IMF to the authorities of Afghanistan in response to their request for technical assistance (TA). The mission objectives were to assist the Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) in improving the quality of the balance of payments and international investment position (IIP) statistics. The mission took stock of recent improvements in the ESS compilation practices and commended the DAB’s Monetary Policy Department (MPD) for achieving most of the 2018 TA recommendations. Despite the progress achieved, major shortcomings remain to be addressed to enhance the policy relevance of external sector statistics (ESS) data. The highest priority should be given to the improvement of personal transfer’s coverage and the estimation of unrecorded personal transfers. Remittances through autonomous Money Service Providers and informal channels are not captured; although, there seems to be a large remittance channel. The inclusion of the opium economy will have significant impact in the national and international accounts.

Subject: Balance of payments, Balance of payments statistics, Banking, Central banks, Economic and financial statistics, External sector statistics, Foreign direct investment, Remittances, Reserve assets

Keywords: Balance of payments, Balance of payments statistics, CR, DAB-banks ITRS working group, Data verification procedure, External sector statistics, FDI data, FDI data of the ODC, Foreign direct investment, ISCR, ITRS coding, ITRS data validation procedure, ITRS enhancement, ITRS IT, ITRS report form, ITRS revamping, ITRS working group, Middle East, Middle East and Central Asia, MPD staff, Remittance, Remittances, Reserve assets

Publication Details

  • Pages:


  • Volume:


  • DOI:


  • Issue:


  • Series:

    Country Report No. 2020/043

  • Stock No:


  • ISBN:


  • ISSN:
