Occasional Papers

The Mongolian People's Republic: Toward a Market Economy

By Padej Sukachevin, John E Leimone, F. Rozwadowski, Elizabeth Milne

March 15, 1991

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Padej Sukachevin, John E Leimone, F. Rozwadowski, and Elizabeth Milne. The Mongolian People's Republic: Toward a Market Economy, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 1991) accessed October 4, 2024


This paper is based on an IMF staff report prepared in connection with the application of the Mongolian People's Republic (Mongolia) for membership in the International Monetary Fund. It reviews Mongolia's political and economic history, highlighting its changing economic structure following World War II and its recent efforts to introduce market mechanisms.

Subject: Currency convertibility, Economic integration, Expenditure, Exports, Foreign exchange, Imports, International trade, Monetary unions, Money, Population and demographics

Keywords: Asia and Pacific, Central Asia, Currency convertibility, Enterprise, Enterprise investment, Enterprise reform, Europe, Exports, Foreign trade enterprise, Global, Government, Government ministry, Imports, Intra-enterprise sales, Issues note, Middle East, Monetary unions, OP, Price liberalization, Reformist government, State bank, State enterprise

Publication Details

  • Pages:


  • Volume:


  • DOI:


  • Issue:


  • Series:

    Occasional Paper No. 1991/006

  • Stock No:


  • ISBN:


  • ISSN:
