High-Level Summary Technical Assistance Reports

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Jean-Baptiste Gros, Christophe Hémous, Noel Gallardo, Martha E Cubillo, Eduardo Aldunate, Jorge Baldrich, Rui Monteiro, and Margarita Rosas. "Guatemala: Assessing Public Investment Management – PIMA and Climate Change PIMA", High-Level Summary Technical Assistance Reports 2024, 053 (2024), accessed February 13, 2025, https://doi.org/10.5089/9798400295874.029

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In order to improve the efficiency of their capital investment and improve the access of the population to high-quality infrastructure, the Finance Ministry and the Planning general secretariate SEGEPLAN requested an IMF mission to apply: (i) the public investment management assessment (PIMA) methodology, developed by the Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD), to identify strengths and weaknesses in Guatemala’s public investment management and (ii) the Climate PIMA (C-PIMA) module to ensure climate change mitigation and adaptation are appropriately addressed in the public investment cycle. The mission proposed an action plan to improve public investment management.

Subject: Budget planning and preparation, Climate change, Environment, Expenditure, Public financial management (PFM), Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA), Public investment spending

Keywords: Budget planning and preparation, Capacity development recipient, Central America, Climate change, Climate change mitigation, Debt Management, IMF mission, Investment project, Legal Frameworks, Management institution, Public Financial Management, Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA), Public investment spending, Sovereign Wealth Funds

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