Nicola Pierri
Last Updated: April 08, 2022

Nicola Pierri is an Economist at the Macro-Financial Division of the IMF Research Department. His research investigates causes and consequences of productivity, technology adoption, and quality heterogeneity across firms, banks, and hospitals. He holds a PhD in Economics from Stanford University.
Personal WebPage:
Fluent In: Italian.
PhD. in Economics, Stanford University, 2013-2018
M.Sc. in Economic and Social Sciences, Bocconi University (Milan, Italy), 2010-2013
B.Sc. in Economic and Social Sciences, Bocconi University (Milan, Italy), 2007-2010
Previous Experience:
2015, 2017 Research Intern, Bank of Italy (Rome, Italy)
2014-2015 Research Assistant, Stanford University
2012-2013 Research Assistant, Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (Milan, Italy)
Referee Activities:
American Economic Review, Econometrica, Review of Economics and Statistics, European Economic Review, Economic Letters, Health Affairs
Professional Activities:
2017 – to date - Special Sworn Status researcher with US Census Bureau
Awards and Honors:
2017-2018 Gale and Steve Kohlhagen Fellowship in Economics, through a grant to the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
2015, 2017 Winner (twice) of Graduate Student Grant Competition of the Europe Center at Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
2014 Scholarship “Bonaldo Stringher” from Bank of Italy
2010-2012 Merit Award Scholarship for Best Master Students, Bocconi University
Current Position:
2018 - to date, Economist - RESMF
2014-2017 Teaching Assistant (part-time), Stanford University, graduate Industrial Organization (year-long) sequence
Work in progress:
"Credit Supply and Productivity Growth" with Francesco Manaresi
"The Economic Impact of Healthcare Quality" with A. Helsø and A. Wang
"Management Practices and Stock Market Returns" with N. Bloom, B. Lucking, S. Ohlmacher, and S. Otero
"A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats? IT growth in the US over the last 30 years" with Nick Bloom
"Cloud Computing Is Helping Smaller, Newer Firms Compete" with Nick Bloom (in Harvard Business Review - August 2018)
"Strategic Default, Loan Modification, and Foreclosure" with Ben Klopack
"Vertical Contracting and Price Parity Agreements: Evidence from Hotels in Europe" with Ben Klopack
Field of Expertise:
Macro-Financial Issues
Labor Economics
IMF Books and Working Papers:
Mitigating Climate Change at the Firm Level: Mind the Laggards , Working Paper No. 2023/242 , November 24, 2023
The Anatomy of Banks’ IT Investments: Drivers and Implications , Working Paper No. 2022/244 , December 09, 2022
Does IT help? Information Technology in Banking and Entrepreneurship , Working Paper No. 2021/214 , August 06, 2021
When They Go Low, We Go High? Measuring Bank Market Power in a Low-for-Long Environment , Working Paper No. 2021/149 , May 27, 2021
Insolvency Prospects Among Small-and-Medium-Sized Enterprises in Advanced Economies : Assessment and Policy Options , Staff Discussion Notes No. 2021/002 , April 02, 2021
Government Intervention and Bank Market Power: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis for the COVID-19 Crisis , Working Paper No. 2020/275 , December 11, 2020
IT Shields: Technology Adoption and Economic Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic , Working Paper No. 20/208 , September 25, 2020
Worker Mobility and Domestic Production Networks , Working Paper No. 20/205 , September 25, 2020
Tracking the Economic Impact of COVID-19 and Mitigation Policies in Europe and the United States , Working Paper No. 20/125 , July 10, 2020
Tech in Fin before FinTech: Blessing or Curse for Financial Stability? , Working Paper No. 20/14 , January 17, 2020
The Economic Impact of Healthcare Quality , Working Paper No. 19/173 , August 16, 2019
Credit Supply and Productivity Growth , Working Paper No. 19/107 , May 17, 2019
Publications in Journals (Refereed)

Nicola Pierri is an Economist at the Macro-Financial Division of the IMF Research Department. His research investigates causes and consequences of productivity, technology adoption, and quality heterogeneity across firms, banks, and hospitals. He holds a PhD in Economics from Stanford University.
Personal WebPage:
Fluent In: Italian.
PhD. in Economics, Stanford University, 2013-2018
M.Sc. in Economic and Social Sciences, Bocconi University (Milan, Italy), 2010-2013
B.Sc. in Economic and Social Sciences, Bocconi University (Milan, Italy), 2007-2010
Previous Experience:
2015, 2017 Research Intern, Bank of Italy (Rome, Italy)
2014-2015 Research Assistant, Stanford University
2012-2013 Research Assistant, Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (Milan, Italy)
Referee Activities:
American Economic Review, Econometrica, Review of Economics and Statistics, European Economic Review, Economic Letters, Health Affairs
Professional Activities:
2017 – to date - Special Sworn Status researcher with US Census Bureau
Awards and Honors:
2017-2018 Gale and Steve Kohlhagen Fellowship in Economics, through a grant to the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
2015, 2017 Winner (twice) of Graduate Student Grant Competition of the Europe Center at Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
2014 Scholarship “Bonaldo Stringher” from Bank of Italy
2010-2012 Merit Award Scholarship for Best Master Students, Bocconi University
Current Position:
2018 - to date, Economist - RESMF
2014-2017 Teaching Assistant (part-time), Stanford University, graduate Industrial Organization (year-long) sequence
Work in progress:
"Credit Supply and Productivity Growth" with Francesco Manaresi
"The Economic Impact of Healthcare Quality" with A. Helsø and A. Wang
"Management Practices and Stock Market Returns" with N. Bloom, B. Lucking, S. Ohlmacher, and S. Otero
"A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats? IT growth in the US over the last 30 years" with Nick Bloom
"Cloud Computing Is Helping Smaller, Newer Firms Compete" with Nick Bloom (in Harvard Business Review - August 2018)
"Strategic Default, Loan Modification, and Foreclosure" with Ben Klopack
"Vertical Contracting and Price Parity Agreements: Evidence from Hotels in Europe" with Ben Klopack
Field of Expertise:
Macro-Financial Issues
Labor Economics
IMF Books and Working Papers:
Mitigating Climate Change at the Firm Level: Mind the Laggards , Working Paper No. 2023/242 , November 24, 2023
The Anatomy of Banks’ IT Investments: Drivers and Implications , Working Paper No. 2022/244 , December 09, 2022
Does IT help? Information Technology in Banking and Entrepreneurship , Working Paper No. 2021/214 , August 06, 2021
When They Go Low, We Go High? Measuring Bank Market Power in a Low-for-Long Environment , Working Paper No. 2021/149 , May 27, 2021
Insolvency Prospects Among Small-and-Medium-Sized Enterprises in Advanced Economies : Assessment and Policy Options , Staff Discussion Notes No. 2021/002 , April 02, 2021
Government Intervention and Bank Market Power: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis for the COVID-19 Crisis , Working Paper No. 2020/275 , December 11, 2020
IT Shields: Technology Adoption and Economic Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic , Working Paper No. 20/208 , September 25, 2020
Worker Mobility and Domestic Production Networks , Working Paper No. 20/205 , September 25, 2020
Tracking the Economic Impact of COVID-19 and Mitigation Policies in Europe and the United States , Working Paper No. 20/125 , July 10, 2020
Tech in Fin before FinTech: Blessing or Curse for Financial Stability? , Working Paper No. 20/14 , January 17, 2020
The Economic Impact of Healthcare Quality , Working Paper No. 19/173 , August 16, 2019
Credit Supply and Productivity Growth , Working Paper No. 19/107 , May 17, 2019