Andrea Filippo Presbitero

Last Updated: October 14, 2022

Andrea Filippo Presbitero

Andrea F. Presbitero is an economist of the IMF Research Department’s Multilateral Surveillance Division. He is CEPR Research Fellow in the International Macroeconomics and Finance programme, and Associate Fellow at SAIS Europe. He has been Assistant Professor at the Universita' Politecnica delle Marche and Associate Professor of Economics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He is an applied economist whose research covers financial intermediation, development finance, and international finance. His work has been published in top journals, including the Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, The Review of Economics and Statistics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, the Journal on International Economics, and the Journal of Development Economics. He is Associate Editor of the IMF Economic Review, the Journal of Financial Stability, and Economia (LACEA).


Personal WebPage:

Fluent In: French, Italian.


Ph.D. Economics, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, (Italy), 2006

MA in Dev. Economics with distinction, University of Sussex (UK), 2004

Editorial Activities:

IMF Economic Review, Associate Editor

Journal of Financial Stability, Associate Editor

Economia (LACEA), Associate Editor

Field of Expertise:

Monetary Policy


Macro-Financial Issues

Development Economics

IMF Books and Working Papers:

Predicting Macroeconomic and Macrofinancial Stress in Low-Income Countries , Working Paper No. 2020/289 , December 18, 2020

Government Intervention and Bank Market Power: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis for the COVID-19 Crisis , Working Paper No. 2020/275 , December 11, 2020

Public Debt and r - g at Risk , Working Paper No. 20/137 , July 24, 2020

Tracking the Economic Impact of COVID-19 and Mitigation Policies in Europe and the United States , Working Paper No. 20/125 , July 10, 2020

On the Capacity to Absorb Public Investment: How Much is Too Much? , Working Paper No. 20/48 , February 28, 2020

The Motives to Borrow , Working Paper No. 19/101 , May 10, 2019

Negative Monetary Policy Rates and Portfolio Rebalancing: Evidence from Credit Register Data , Working Paper No. 19/44 , February 28, 2019

Mobilization Effects of Multilateral Development Banks , Working Paper No. 19/28 , February 15, 2019

Borrowing Costs and The Role of Multilateral Development Banks: Evidence from Cross-Border Syndicated Bank Lending , Working Paper No. 263 , December 07, 2018

Financial Access Under the Microscope , Working Paper No. 18/208 , September 28, 2018

The Effects of Higher Bank Capital Requirements on Credit in Peru , Working Paper No. 18/222 , September 28, 2018

Commodity Price Movements and Banking Crises , Working Paper No. 18/153 , July 06, 2018

FDI, Global Value Chains, and Local Sourcing in Developing Countries , Working Paper No. 17/284 , December 21, 2017

International Commodity Prices and Domestic Bank Lending in Developing Countries , Working Paper No. 17/279 , December 14, 2017

Trends and Challenges in Infrastructure Investment in Low-Income Developing Countries , Working Paper No. 17/233 , November 07, 2017

International Sovereign Bonds by Emerging Markets and Developing Economies : Drivers of Issuance and Spreads , Working Paper No. 15/275 , December 24, 2015

Monetary Policy in a Developing Country : Loan Applications and Real Effects , Working Paper No. 15/270 , December 23, 2015

Some Misconceptions about Public Investment Efficiency and Growth , Working Paper No. 15/272 , December 23, 2015

From Ambition to Execution : Policies in Support of Sustainable Development Goals , Staff Discussion Notes No. 15/18 , September 22, 2015

IMF Lending and Banking Crises , Working Paper No. 15/19 , January 26, 2015

Assessing Bias and Accuracy in the World Bank-IMF's Debt Sustainability Framework for Low-Income Countries , Working Paper No. 14/48 , March 27, 2014

Remittances and Vulnerability in Developing Countries , Working Paper No. 14/13 , January 27, 2014

This Time They Are Different: Heterogeneity and Nonlinearity in the Relationship Between Debt and Growth , Working Paper No. 13/248 , December 17, 2013

Publications in Journals (Refereed)

Borrowing Costs after Sovereign Debt Relief, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, forthcoming, with D. Mihalyi and V. Lang

Expansionary Yet Different: Credit Supply and Real Effects of Negative Interest Rate Policy, Journal of Financial Economics, 146(2): 754-778, with M. Bottero, C. Minoiu, JL Peydro, A. Polo and E. Sette

Serving the Underserved: Microcredit as a Pathway to Commercial Banks, The Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming, with S. Agarwal, T. Kigabo, C. Minoiu and A. Silva

Government Intervention and Bank Markups: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis to the COVID-19 crisis, Journal of Banking and Finance, 133, 106320, 2021, with B. Tan, D. Igan, M.S. Martinez Peria and N. Pierri

Commodity prices and banking crises, Journal of International Economics, 131, 103474, 2021, with M. Eberhardt

Bank Capital Requirements and Lending in Emerging Markets: The Role of Bank Characteristics and Economic Conditions, Journal of Banking and Finance, 135, 105806, 2022, with X. Fang, D. Jutrsa, M.S. Martinez Peria, and L. Ratnovski

Mobilization effects of multilateral development banks, World Bank Economic Review, 35(2): 521-543, 2021 (with C. Broccolini, G. Lotti, A. Maffioli and R. Stucchi),

Borrowing costs and the role of multilateral development banks: Evidence from cross-border bank syndicated lending, Journal of International Money and Finance, 100, 2020 (with D. Gurara and M. Sarmiento)

Commodity prices and bank lending, Economic Inquiry, 58(2): 953-979, 2020 (with I. Agarwal ad R. Duttagupta)

Monetary Policy and Bank Lending in Developing Countries: Loan Applications, Rates, and Real Effects, Journal of Development Economics, 139: 185-202 (with C. Abuka, R. Alinda, C. Minoiu and J.L. Peydro)

Banks, Firms, and Jobs, Review of Financial Studies, 31(6): 2113-56 (with F. Berton, S. Mocetti, and M. Richiardi)

Some misconceptions about public investment efficiency and growth, Economica, 86: 409-30 (with A. Berg, E. Buffie, C. Pattillo, R. Portillo, and F. Zanna)

Room for Discretion? Biased Decision-Making In International Financial Institutions, Journal of Development Economics, 130: 1-16 (with V. Lang)

Too much and too fast? Public investment scaling-up and absorptive capacity, Journal of Development Economics, 120: 17-31

Public debt and growth: heterogeneity and non-linearity, Journal of International Economics, 97(1): 45-58 (with M. Eberhardt)

IMF lending and banking crises, IMF Economic Review, 63(3): 644-691 (with L. Papi and A. Zazzaro)

Remittances and vulnerability in developing countries, World Bank Economic Review, 30(1): 1-23 (with G. Bettin and N. Spatafora)

Public Debt and Economic Growth: Is There a Causal Effect?, Journal of Macroeconomics, 41: 21-41 (with U. Panizza)

The Home Bias and The Credit Crunch: A Regional Perspective, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 46(s1): 53-85 (with G. Udell and A. Zazzaro)

Competition and Relationship Lending: Friends or Foes?, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 20(3): 387-413 (with A. Zazzaro)

Bank Size or Distance: What Hampers Innovation Adoption by SMEs?, Journal of Economic Geography, 19(6): 845-881 (with P. Alessandrini and A. Zazzaro)

Banks, Distances and Firms' Financing Constraints, Review of Finance, 13(2): 261-307 (with P. Alessandrini and A. Zazzaro)

Andrea Filippo Presbitero

Andrea F. Presbitero is an economist of the IMF Research Department’s Multilateral Surveillance Division. He is CEPR Research Fellow in the International Macroeconomics and Finance programme, and Associate Fellow at SAIS Europe. He has been Assistant Professor at the Universita' Politecnica delle Marche and Associate Professor of Economics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He is an applied economist whose research covers financial intermediation, development finance, and international finance. His work has been published in top journals, including the Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, The Review of Economics and Statistics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, the Journal on International Economics, and the Journal of Development Economics. He is Associate Editor of the IMF Economic Review, the Journal of Financial Stability, and Economia (LACEA).


Personal WebPage:

Fluent In: French, Italian.


Ph.D. Economics, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, (Italy), 2006

MA in Dev. Economics with distinction, University of Sussex (UK), 2004

Editorial Activities:

IMF Economic Review, Associate Editor

Journal of Financial Stability, Associate Editor

Economia (LACEA), Associate Editor

Field of Expertise:

Monetary Policy


Macro-Financial Issues

Development Economics

IMF Books and Working Papers:

Predicting Macroeconomic and Macrofinancial Stress in Low-Income Countries , Working Paper No. 2020/289 , December 18, 2020

Government Intervention and Bank Market Power: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis for the COVID-19 Crisis , Working Paper No. 2020/275 , December 11, 2020

Public Debt and r - g at Risk , Working Paper No. 20/137 , July 24, 2020

Tracking the Economic Impact of COVID-19 and Mitigation Policies in Europe and the United States , Working Paper No. 20/125 , July 10, 2020

On the Capacity to Absorb Public Investment: How Much is Too Much? , Working Paper No. 20/48 , February 28, 2020

The Motives to Borrow , Working Paper No. 19/101 , May 10, 2019

Negative Monetary Policy Rates and Portfolio Rebalancing: Evidence from Credit Register Data , Working Paper No. 19/44 , February 28, 2019

Mobilization Effects of Multilateral Development Banks , Working Paper No. 19/28 , February 15, 2019

Borrowing Costs and The Role of Multilateral Development Banks: Evidence from Cross-Border Syndicated Bank Lending , Working Paper No. 263 , December 07, 2018

Financial Access Under the Microscope , Working Paper No. 18/208 , September 28, 2018

The Effects of Higher Bank Capital Requirements on Credit in Peru , Working Paper No. 18/222 , September 28, 2018

Commodity Price Movements and Banking Crises , Working Paper No. 18/153 , July 06, 2018

FDI, Global Value Chains, and Local Sourcing in Developing Countries , Working Paper No. 17/284 , December 21, 2017

International Commodity Prices and Domestic Bank Lending in Developing Countries , Working Paper No. 17/279 , December 14, 2017

Trends and Challenges in Infrastructure Investment in Low-Income Developing Countries , Working Paper No. 17/233 , November 07, 2017

International Sovereign Bonds by Emerging Markets and Developing Economies : Drivers of Issuance and Spreads , Working Paper No. 15/275 , December 24, 2015

Monetary Policy in a Developing Country : Loan Applications and Real Effects , Working Paper No. 15/270 , December 23, 2015

Some Misconceptions about Public Investment Efficiency and Growth , Working Paper No. 15/272 , December 23, 2015

From Ambition to Execution : Policies in Support of Sustainable Development Goals , Staff Discussion Notes No. 15/18 , September 22, 2015

IMF Lending and Banking Crises , Working Paper No. 15/19 , January 26, 2015

Assessing Bias and Accuracy in the World Bank-IMF's Debt Sustainability Framework for Low-Income Countries , Working Paper No. 14/48 , March 27, 2014

Remittances and Vulnerability in Developing Countries , Working Paper No. 14/13 , January 27, 2014

This Time They Are Different: Heterogeneity and Nonlinearity in the Relationship Between Debt and Growth , Working Paper No. 13/248 , December 17, 2013

Publications in Journals (Refereed)

Borrowing Costs after Sovereign Debt Relief, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, forthcoming, with D. Mihalyi and V. Lang

Expansionary Yet Different: Credit Supply and Real Effects of Negative Interest Rate Policy, Journal of Financial Economics, 146(2): 754-778, with M. Bottero, C. Minoiu, JL Peydro, A. Polo and E. Sette

Serving the Underserved: Microcredit as a Pathway to Commercial Banks, The Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming, with S. Agarwal, T. Kigabo, C. Minoiu and A. Silva

Government Intervention and Bank Markups: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis to the COVID-19 crisis, Journal of Banking and Finance, 133, 106320, 2021, with B. Tan, D. Igan, M.S. Martinez Peria and N. Pierri

Commodity prices and banking crises, Journal of International Economics, 131, 103474, 2021, with M. Eberhardt

Bank Capital Requirements and Lending in Emerging Markets: The Role of Bank Characteristics and Economic Conditions, Journal of Banking and Finance, 135, 105806, 2022, with X. Fang, D. Jutrsa, M.S. Martinez Peria, and L. Ratnovski

Mobilization effects of multilateral development banks, World Bank Economic Review, 35(2): 521-543, 2021 (with C. Broccolini, G. Lotti, A. Maffioli and R. Stucchi),

Borrowing costs and the role of multilateral development banks: Evidence from cross-border bank syndicated lending, Journal of International Money and Finance, 100, 2020 (with D. Gurara and M. Sarmiento)

Commodity prices and bank lending, Economic Inquiry, 58(2): 953-979, 2020 (with I. Agarwal ad R. Duttagupta)

Monetary Policy and Bank Lending in Developing Countries: Loan Applications, Rates, and Real Effects, Journal of Development Economics, 139: 185-202 (with C. Abuka, R. Alinda, C. Minoiu and J.L. Peydro)

Banks, Firms, and Jobs, Review of Financial Studies, 31(6): 2113-56 (with F. Berton, S. Mocetti, and M. Richiardi)

Some misconceptions about public investment efficiency and growth, Economica, 86: 409-30 (with A. Berg, E. Buffie, C. Pattillo, R. Portillo, and F. Zanna)

Room for Discretion? Biased Decision-Making In International Financial Institutions, Journal of Development Economics, 130: 1-16 (with V. Lang)

Too much and too fast? Public investment scaling-up and absorptive capacity, Journal of Development Economics, 120: 17-31

Public debt and growth: heterogeneity and non-linearity, Journal of International Economics, 97(1): 45-58 (with M. Eberhardt)

IMF lending and banking crises, IMF Economic Review, 63(3): 644-691 (with L. Papi and A. Zazzaro)

Remittances and vulnerability in developing countries, World Bank Economic Review, 30(1): 1-23 (with G. Bettin and N. Spatafora)

Public Debt and Economic Growth: Is There a Causal Effect?, Journal of Macroeconomics, 41: 21-41 (with U. Panizza)

The Home Bias and The Credit Crunch: A Regional Perspective, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 46(s1): 53-85 (with G. Udell and A. Zazzaro)

Competition and Relationship Lending: Friends or Foes?, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 20(3): 387-413 (with A. Zazzaro)

Bank Size or Distance: What Hampers Innovation Adoption by SMEs?, Journal of Economic Geography, 19(6): 845-881 (with P. Alessandrini and A. Zazzaro)

Banks, Distances and Firms' Financing Constraints, Review of Finance, 13(2): 261-307 (with P. Alessandrini and A. Zazzaro)