Macroeconomic Developments and Outlook in the West Bank and Gaza -- Ad Hoc Liaison Committee Meeting, London, December 14, 2005

December 14, 2005

Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) Meeting
London, December 14, 2005

Use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the full text (61KB pdf file).

  1. Recent Economic Developments

  2. Budgetary Operations in 2005
  3. Overview
  4. Revenue
  5. Wage Bill and PNA Employment
  6. Net Lending
  7. Nonwage Expenditures
  8. Deficit and Financing
  9. Projections for 2005
  10. Public Finance Reforms in 2005

  11. Outlook for 2006
  12. The Fiscal Outlook Under Current Policies
  13. An Adjustment Scenario
  14. Risks to the Outlook