Compiling Public Sector Balance Sheets (PSBS)
Deadline passed
Session No.: SA 22.24
Location: New Delhi, India
Date: June 27, 2022 - July 1, 2022 (1 week)
Delivery Method: In-person Training
Primary Language: English
Target Audience
Officials in the ministries of finance, central banks, or statistics bureaus of SARTTAC member countries, who would benefit from more advanced knowledge of the concepts, principles, sources, and methods used to compile PSBSs.
Participants are expected to possess a degree in accounting, economics, or a related field and/or have relevant work experience, engage in regular compilation or intensive use of GFS and/or PSDS.
Course Description
This will be an in-person training course delivered at the SARTTAC offices in New Delhi. Fiscal analysis continues to evolve, and the changed economic environment requires improvements in data to formulate and evaluate fiscal policies. Additionally, the demand for fiscal data for the purposes of identifying and managing fiscal risks, has grown. Public sector balance sheets (PSBSs) provide the most comprehensive picture of public wealth and account for what the state owns and owes at any point in time, thus offering a broader fiscal picture beyond gross debt and flow measures such as the deficit. PSBS is aligned with the methodology outlined in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014). This course will provide the opportunity for participants to understand more about the financial and nonfinancial assets and liabilities of the public sector and the metrics that can be derived from these data (including debt). The course will provide detail on specific topics such as pension liabilities, and measurement of nonfinancial assets including natural resources. Given the relevance for fiscal risk analysis, the course will go beyond balance sheets and explain the concepts of contingent liabilities and what should be reported. The course will consist of presentations, group exercises as well as homework that will ultimately provide the participants with the skills to assist in improving entries for their home country on the Public Sector Balance Sheet database. Participants' questions/concerns will be invited and entertained throughout.
Course Objectives
The primary objectives of this course are to enable participants to deepen their knowledge and understanding of how to compile a PSBS and how it can be used for fiscal analysis, and to peer-learn about similar compilation issues in other countries. Through more specific detailed training, participants may gain insights on how they can improve the measurement of their country's own public sector balance sheet looking at both nonfinancial and financial assets and liabilities. The workshop may also help identify areas for future support, including during technical assistance missions by SARTTAC.
Upon completion of the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Understand the evolution of the concept of the PSBS over time
- Identify the full range of stocks of assets and liabilities to be included in PSBS
- Calculate the main aggregates and balancing items from the coverage of flows in the GFSM 2014 framework
- Identify appropriate data sources
- Use appropriate methodologies for valuing assets and liabilities
- Understand the methodology used to estimate specific categories of assets and liabilities
- Conversion of financial statements in GFS
- Complete a government balance sheet
- Use data from other macroeconomic statistics and administrative data
- Consolidate
- Consistency checks of input data
- Compile a PSBS for their home country
- Know how to use PSBSs for fiscal analysis
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