IMF Staff Country Reports

Austria: Financial System Stability Assessment, including Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes on the following topics: Banking Supervision, Securities Regulation, Insurance Regulation, and Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism

August 5, 2004

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International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department "Austria: Financial System Stability Assessment, including Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes on the following topics: Banking Supervision, Securities Regulation, Insurance Regulation, and Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism", IMF Staff Country Reports 2004, 238 (2004), accessed February 10, 2025,

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Austria’s Financial System Stability Assessment highlights Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes on banking supervision, securities regulation, and insurance regulation. The banking sector has weathered the recent economic slowdown well, and is generally sound and resilient. Austria enjoys a high standard of supervision based on strong institutions and a comprehensive legal framework. Ongoing reforms and European Union directives in the pipeline will address most of the identified gaps in observance of financial sector standards and codes.

Subject: Anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT), Banking, Commercial banks, Crime, Deposit insurance, Financial crises, Financial institutions, Insurance companies, Loans

Keywords: Anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT), Asset, Austria, Bank, Bank asset, Bank fail, Bank relationship, Commercial banks, CR, Deposit, Deposit insurance, Eastern Europe, Europe, Foreign currency, Insurance companies, ISCR, Joint stock, Lending bank, Loans, Problem bank, Purpose bank, Raiffeisen bank, Raiffeisen bank, Savings bank, Western Europe

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