IMF Policy Discussion Papers

The Taxation of High Income Earners

By Parthasarathi Shome

December 1, 1993

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Parthasarathi Shome. "The Taxation of High Income Earners", IMF Policy Discussion Papers 1993, 019 (1993), accessed December 8, 2024,

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The 1980s trends were to lower marginal personal income tax rates, scale down rate structures, and apply the highest rate at lower levels of per capita GDP. In the 1990s, driven by fiscal deficits and unemployment, and difficulty in linking high marginal rates to low incentives or revenue productivity, tax authorities are again demonstrating an interest in increasing marginal rates. This will burden those that are correctly paying the tax. Instead, equity and revenue productivity should be improved through minimum taxes, presumptive taxes, adequate inclusion of capital income in the tax base, revitalization of property taxes, and selected luxury taxes.

Subject: Income and capital gains taxes, Income tax systems, National accounts, Personal income, Personal income tax, Tax equity, Tax incentives, Tax policy, Taxes

Keywords: Earner, Gross income, Incentive effect, Income and capital gains taxes, Income tax systems, Middle East, PDP, Personal income, Personal income tax, Rate, Rate structure, Rate structures, Rate structures of the personal income tax, Structures of the personal income tax, Tax authorities, Tax equity, Tax literature, Tax rate, Vigilant tax administration, Well functioning tax administration

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