Occasional Papers

China at the Threshold of a Market Economy

By Michael W. Bell, Kalpana Kochhar, Hoe Ee Khor

June 16, 1993

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Michael W. Bell, Kalpana Kochhar, and Hoe Ee Khor. China at the Threshold of a Market Economy, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 1993) accessed February 8, 2025


This paper reviews China's experience with market-oriented reform since 1978, including domestic reforms, the opening of the economy to foreign trade and investment, and the decentralization of decision making. It identifies special conditions that may have affected China's capacity to implement reforms, assesses the impact of the reforms on the structure of the economy and on its integration into the world economy, examines the effect of the reforms on macroeconomic management and stability, and draws implications for the direction of China's future reform strategy.

Subject: Balance of payments, Economic sectors, Exports, Foreign direct investment, Foreign exchange, Imports, International trade, Labor, Public enterprises

Keywords: Asia and Pacific, Commodity economy, East Asia, Eastern Europe, Economic system, Economy, Enterprise, Enterprise reform, Exports, Foreign direct investment, Global, Government, Market forces, OP, Public enterprises, Shareholding company, Southeast Asia, State, Village enterprise

Publication Details

  • Pages:


  • Volume:


  • DOI:


  • Issue:


  • Series:

    Occasional Paper No. 1993/006

  • Stock No:


  • ISBN:


  • ISSN:
