Occasional Papers

Economic Policies for a New South Africa

By Desmond Lachman, Kenneth Bercuson

February 15, 1992

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Desmond Lachman, and Kenneth Bercuson. Economic Policies for a New South Africa, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 1992) accessed February 7, 2025


Against a backdrop of the dismantling of apartheid and the current government's commitment to negotiating a new constitution based on universal suffrage and protected human rights, discussions are under way on the appropriate economic policies to be pursued in the new political climate. This paper focuses on the redistributive and growth policies needed in the new South Africa.

Subject: Expenditure, Income and capital gains taxes, Income distribution, National accounts, Personal income, Tax incidence, Tax policy, Taxes

Keywords: Africa, Demand-management policy, Income and capital gains taxes, Income distribution, Income share, Investment, OP, Personal income, Redistribution policy, Saving, Savings-investment accounting framework, Savings-investment identity, Tax incidence

Publication Details

  • Pages:


  • Volume:


  • DOI:


  • Issue:


  • Series:

    Occasional Paper No. 1992/003

  • Stock No:


  • ISBN:


  • ISSN:



Edited by Desmond Lachman and Kenneth Bercuson with a staff team comprising Daudi Ballali, Robert Corker, Charalambos Christofides, and James Wein.