IMF Working Papers

Size and Resilience of the Blue Economy in Pacific Island Economies

By Fabien Gonguet, Junting Zhou

December 20, 2024

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Fabien Gonguet, and Junting Zhou. "Size and Resilience of the Blue Economy in Pacific Island Economies", IMF Working Papers 2024, 255 (2024), accessed February 10, 2025,

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Disclaimer: IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management.


Economic output and livelihoods in Pacific Island economies (PIEs) rely greatly on ocean-related sectors and products, known as the ”Blue Economy”. Yet, marine ecosystems are under mounting pressure of climate change and human degradation, exposing PIEs to very large risks, while they have only limited technical and financial capacity to mitigate them. This paper aims: first to estimate the size of the Blue Economy in PIEs, based on comprehensive international input-output tables; and second to simulate the impact of selected shocks in PIEs, so as to provide insights on the resilience of the Blue Economy to shocks, including from climate change.

Subject: Agroindustries, Climate change, Economic sectors, Environment, Natural disasters, Tourism

Keywords: Agroindustries, Blue Economy, Climate change, Commodity trade statistics database, Demand shock, Global, Global value chains, GVA multiplier effects, Input-output analysis, Input-output table, Livelihoods in Pacific Island economies, Natural disasters, Pacific Island Economies, Pacific Islands, Resilience of the Blue Economy, Tourism

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