Technical Assistance Reports

Indonesia: Technical Assistance Report-Subnational Government Endowment Funds

March 20, 2024

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Indonesia: Technical Assistance Report-Subnational Government Endowment Funds, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 2024) accessed February 18, 2025


The Indonesian authorities are exploring options for the establishment of subnational government endowment funds and the Ministry of Finance (MoF) has drafted regulations in that context. However, the motivations and objective for establishing an endowment fund at the subnational level diverge across various stakeholders. Clarity of the objectives and purpose of the endowment fund will be critical for informing features of its architecture, and the endowment fund should be aligned with the national fiscal policy objectives. Establishing such funds at a time of fiscal deficit entails a “borrowing-to-save” approach which is not optimal from a fiscal policy perspective. Currently, there is a misalignment between the design of inflow and outflow rules, the endowment fund’s objectives, and the fiscal/economic context. In addition, the current draft MoF regulations restrict the investment policy to conform with the law on decentralization enacted in 2022. This report emphasizes that regardless of the structure of the endowment fund, it needs to be fully integrated within the budget. The report also provides recommendations on assessing the full cost of the subnational government endowment fund, its design and implementation, and provides suggestions to improve the draft MoF regulations.

Subject: Budget execution and treasury management, Budget planning and preparation, Environment, International organization, Investment policy, Labor, Monetary policy, National accounts, Natural resources, Public employment, Public financial management (PFM)

Keywords: Budget execution and treasury management, Budget planning and preparation, CD recipient, Decentralization, Draft government, Endowment Fund, FAD expert, Government endowment funds, IMF Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF Resident representative, Indonesia, Inflows, Intergenerational wealth, Intergovernmental fiscal relations, Investment policy, Local government, Natural resources, Outflow rules., Public employment, Sovereign wealth fund, Subnational government

Publication Details

  • Pages:


  • Volume:


  • DOI:


  • Issue:


  • Series:

    Technical Assistance Report No. 2024/017

  • Stock No:


  • ISBN:


  • ISSN:
