Technical Assistance Reports

Zimbabwe: Technical Assistance Report-Financial Sector Stability Report Follow Up Technical Assistance on the Implementation of the Basel III Liquidity Framework

September 20, 2024

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International Monetary Fund. African Dept., and International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department "Zimbabwe: Technical Assistance Report-Financial Sector Stability Report Follow Up Technical Assistance on the Implementation of the Basel III Liquidity Framework", Technical Assistance Reports 2024, 081 (2024), accessed February 12, 2025,

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As a follow-up to the 2019 FSSR, a hybrid remote TA mission supported the RBZ on finalizing the implementation of Basel III liquidity framework, with a particular focus on the NSFR. The mission reviewed the drafts of the NSFR regulation and the template for prudential reporting, supported the RBZ to elaborate a questionnaire for a Quantitative Impact Study (QIS), discussed identified gaps with the BSD management and relevant supervisors, delivered training on LCR and NSFR, and provided recommendations on enhancing the drafts. The mission also discussed the outputs of LCR first assessments, highlighting the importance checking the quality of LCR data reported by banks.

Subject: Asset and liability management, Bank supervision, Basel III, Commercial banks, Currencies, Financial institutions, Financial regulation and supervision, Financial sector policy and analysis, Financial sector stability, Financial Sector Stability Review, Financial statements, Liquidity, Liquidity requirements, Liquidity risk, Money, Public financial management (PFM)

Keywords: Bank supervision, Banking regulation, Basel III, Basel III, Central Bank, Commercial banks, Currencies, Financial sector stability, Financial Sector Stability Review, Financial statements, Liquidity, Liquidity requirements, Liquidity requirements, Liquidity risk, Net Stable Funding Ratio, Nonperforming loans, Small and medium enterprises, Zimbabwe.

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