
Financial Dollarization: The Policy Agenda

By Adrián Armas, Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Alain Ize

July 25, 2006

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Adrián Armas, Eduardo Levy Yeyati, and Alain Ize. Financial Dollarization: The Policy Agenda, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 2006) accessed January 23, 2025,

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Financial (unofficial) dollarization is widely seen as a critical source of financial fragility in both developing and emerging economies. This volume provides a rigorous and balanced perspective on the causes and implications of dollarization, and the basic policies and options to deal with it: the adaptation of the monetary and prudential frameworks, the development of local-currency substitutes, and the scope for limiting dollarization through administrative restrictions. For more information on how to purchase a copy of this title, please visit

Subject: Currencies, De-dollarization, Dollarization, Exchange rate arrangements, Exchange rates, Foreign exchange, Monetary policy, Money

Keywords: BOOK, Caribbean, Credit risk, Currencies, Currency, Currency exposure, De-dollarization, De-dollarization policy, Dollarization, Dollarization risk, Exchange rate arrangements, Exchange rates, Foreign currency, Inflation targeting, Market, Monetary management, Price, Unit of account

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