Occasional Papers

Developments and Challenges in the Caribbean Region

By Simon Cueva, Stephen Tokarick, Erik J. Lundback, Janet Gale Stotsky, Samuel P. Itam

December 4, 2000

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Simon Cueva, Stephen Tokarick, Erik J. Lundback, Janet Gale Stotsky, and Samuel P. Itam Developments and Challenges in the Caribbean Region, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 2000) accessed January 13, 2025


This paper focuses on the independent states that are full members of the Caribbean Community. It provides background information on recent developments in the Caribbean region and lays out the principal policy issues that countries will need to address in the period ahead. The Caribbean countries face several common problems and must deal with similar economic policy issues. Consequently, concentrating on the regional perspective permits a comparison of the individual responses to similar problems. The regional view throws light on the countries' movement toward convergence. The economic prospects for the region are generally satisfactory over the medium term, but the projections depend importantly on the resolve of governments to pursue appropriate policies, as well as favorable developments in the rest of the world. The relatively favorable outlook for the region is not without risks, such as a slowdown in growth in the major trading partner countries or a term of trade shock.

Subject: Economic sectors, Exports, Imports, Inflation, International trade, Prices, Public sector, Revenue administration, Trade facilitation

Keywords: Caribbean, Caribbean country, Country, Deficit, Exports, Imports, Inflation, Inflation differential, Inflation in the OECS country, North America, OP, Public sector, Public sector deficit, Public sector wage bill, Trade facilitation, World commodity

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  • Pages:


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  • DOI:


  • Issue:


  • Series:

    Occasional Paper No. 2000/016

  • Stock No:


  • ISBN:


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