International Monetary Fund

Currency units per SDR for January 2020

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This rate, which is not used in Fund transactions, is the reciprocal of the SDR per currency unit rate, rounded to six significant digits.

Currency units per SDR for January 2020
Currency January 02,
January 03,
January 06,
January 07,
January 08,
January 09,
January 10,
January 13,
January 14,
January 15,
January 16,
Chinese yuan 9.642550 9.633170 9.660810 9.614550 9.586900 9.556940 9.562240 9.521630 9.502990 9.513390 9.521270
Euro 1.236510 1.239140 1.237240 1.239100 1.242940 1.241560 1.243690 1.240360 1.242120 1.239870 1.237670
Japanese yen NA 150.725000 149.646000 150.116000 148.956000 150.655000 151.097000 NA 151.979000 151.864000 151.962000
U.K. pound 1.048630 1.057880 1.052810 1.052920 1.053950 1.059710 1.055100 1.064260 1.062180 1.061680 1.058380
U.S. dollar 1.384030 1.381270 1.384970 1.384320 1.381520 1.379370 1.379380 1.380030 1.380620 1.381460 1.382350
Algerian dinar 164.921000 164.891000 165.310000 164.955000 164.964000 164.940000 165.025000 164.996000 164.981000 165.109000 165.143000
Australian dollar 1.976340 1.982880 1.994190 1.998160 2.010660 2.006940 2.006960 1.995990 2.000320 2.002400 2.001380
Botswana pula NA NA 14.828300 14.742500 14.791500 14.689800 14.705600 14.775400 14.829400 14.806600 NA
Brazilian real 5.564770 5.596380 5.615770 5.652880 5.618100 5.619270 5.619460 5.699920 5.720890 5.749080 5.767180
Brunei dollar 1.864010 1.863470 1.870400 1.866480 NA 1.862700 1.863130 1.858340 1.859150 1.862200 1.861610
Canadian dollar 1.798130 1.794000 1.796300 1.800860 1.799570 1.804080 1.800230 1.800660 1.803370 1.802800 1.803280
Chilean peso NA NA 1,050.480000 1,068.450000 1,068.080000 1,057.740000 1,054.800000 1,063.390000 1,073.650000 1,066.890000 NA
Colombian peso 4,535.660000 4,501.340000 NA 4,515.730000 4,509.640000 4,489.060000 4,488.350000 4,516.300000 4,539.550000 4,529.560000 4,557.260000
Czech koruna 31.420300 31.428100 31.301600 31.321600 31.414400 31.357200 31.422300 31.294900 31.249000 31.175400 31.155500
Danish krone 9.239070 9.260200 9.246160 9.259860 9.288500 9.278330 9.294280 9.269470 9.282470 9.265180 9.249070
Indian rupee 98.741100 99.030500 99.845200 99.362100 99.494600 98.517300 98.093100 97.722100 97.919200 97.911500 98.018100
Israeli New Shekel 4.777670 4.788880 4.812760 4.799450 4.786980 4.787780 4.790580 4.788700 4.790760 4.778470 4.777420
Korean won 1,602.430000 1,598.000000 1,610.300000 1,619.100000 1,609.890000 1,619.520000 1,600.080000 1,602.350000 1,595.590000 1,592.960000 1,601.870000
Kuwaiti dinar NA NA 0.419715 0.419380 0.418671 0.418295 NA NA 0.418811 0.419066 0.419336
Malaysian ringgit 5.655820 5.662510 5.689450 5.669480 5.669770 5.643400 5.632030 5.609120 5.607390 5.634980 5.624110
Mauritian rupee NA 50.414200 50.509400 50.468100 50.411400 50.387200 50.457100 50.455900 50.466300 50.476200 50.450300
Mexican peso 26.132900 26.060900 26.074700 26.143200 25.969800 25.994600 25.895400 25.974200 25.972300 25.982100 25.978500
New Zealand dollar NA 2.062520 2.077970 2.077310 2.084380 2.074550 2.088070 2.078980 2.083650 2.090900 2.083740
Norwegian krone 12.168200 12.182700 12.185400 12.211100 12.243900 12.249800 12.280900 12.273900 12.287100 12.252300 12.260100
Omani rial 0.532158 NA 0.532521 0.532272 0.531194 0.530366 NA 0.530619 0.530850 0.531172 0.531516
Peruvian sol 4.568670 4.569260 4.598080 4.602860 4.583900 4.578130 4.580910 4.601000 4.594700 4.589200 4.590800
Philippine peso 70.311600 69.956000 70.456300 70.823500 70.238000 70.286900 69.800700 NA 70.004500 69.780300 70.085400
Polish zloty 5.259310 5.278270 NA 5.241170 5.266790 5.276240 5.279160 5.258040 5.248990 5.248430 5.248520
Qatari riyal 5.037860 NA 5.041290 5.038930 5.028740 5.020910 NA 5.023280 5.025450 5.028510 5.031780
Russian ruble NA NA NA NA NA 84.464500 84.505100 84.109200 84.789600 84.866600 85.110700
Saudi Arabian riyal 5.190110 NA 5.193620 5.191220 5.180700 5.172640 NA 5.175100 5.177320 5.180460 5.183820
Singapore dollar 1.864010 1.863470 1.870400 1.866480 NA 1.862700 1.863130 1.858340 1.859150 1.862200 1.861610
South African rand 19.414400 19.765400 19.729300 19.744600 19.667300 19.567400 19.647600 19.835900 19.944800 NA 19.856600
Swedish krona 12.918700 12.993400 NA 13.026800 13.041200 13.040400 13.105100 13.119900 13.079300 13.089200 13.070300
Swiss franc NA 1.344880 1.342170 1.343420 1.343050 1.343440 1.345520 1.341250 1.335750 1.333800 1.330860
Thai baht 41.673100 41.660600 41.749800 41.723500 41.839400 41.801800 41.737300 41.657500 41.781700 41.808500 41.895000
Trinidadian dollar 9.359350 9.349290 9.381390 9.367940 9.365230 9.300510 9.302670 9.305360 9.296270 9.318800 9.343870
U.A.E. dirham 5.082850 NA 5.086290 5.083940 5.073640 5.065730 NA 5.068140 5.070330 5.073410 5.076680
Uruguayan peso 51.477700 51.531300 NA 51.874800 51.779400 51.604900 51.432900 51.665400 51.615800 51.614000 51.586500

Currency units per SDR for January 2020 (Continued)
Currency January 17,
January 21,
January 22,
January 23,
January 24,
January 27,
January 28,
January 29,
January 30,
January 31,
Chinese yuan 9.468350 9.527980 9.518190 9.561600 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Euro 1.242900 1.241300 1.243750 1.243890 1.247890 1.248290 1.249590 1.249910 1.247540 1.245880
Japanese yen 152.144000 151.767000 151.533000 151.315000 150.856000 149.914000 149.866000 149.988000 149.905000 150.129000
U.K. pound 1.058920 1.056430 1.052770 1.051210 1.052110 1.051930 1.056690 1.056500 1.052440 1.048990
U.S. dollar 1.380610 1.379700 1.379070 1.379600 1.377050 1.376240 1.375170 1.375030 1.375910 1.376950
Algerian dinar 164.994000 165.154000 165.122000 165.127000 165.047000 165.088000 165.054000 165.109000 165.157000 166.565000
Australian dollar 2.002340 2.009760 2.016490 2.009030 2.011170 NA 2.033680 2.029860 2.041710 2.047820
Botswana pula NA 14.883500 14.844700 14.802600 14.791100 14.846200 14.882800 14.865200 14.939300 14.999500
Brazilian real 5.775240 5.795860 5.775970 5.746860 5.750960 5.806360 5.783690 5.776070 5.849940 5.878070
Brunei dollar 1.859280 1.861360 1.861480 1.860940 NA NA 1.867480 1.866880 1.875780 1.875270
Canadian dollar 1.803360 1.802860 1.808790 1.813210 1.809440 1.814160 1.812340 1.814490 1.818540 1.822120
Chilean peso 1,067.710000 1,062.270000 1,062.580000 1,065.220000 1,063.000000 1,068.680000 1,083.440000 1,083.700000 1,084.460000 1,098.750000
Colombian peso 4,574.520000 4,581.670000 4,617.020000 4,604.790000 4,618.300000 4,632.440000 4,673.380000 4,664.920000 4,671.350000 4,697.390000
Czech koruna 31.254400 31.115000 31.260800 31.297600 31.394000 31.492500 31.513400 31.506000 31.500000 31.408200
Danish krone 9.288070 9.275580 9.294370 9.295930 9.325490 9.328180 9.337940 9.340290 9.322790 9.310640
Indian rupee 98.083400 98.210600 98.198100 98.287800 NA 98.256900 98.086300 97.884700 98.345800 98.464900
Israeli New Shekel 4.768650 4.766880 4.760570 4.770650 4.757710 4.759050 4.751230 4.754840 4.746900 4.747730
Korean won 1,600.960000 1,598.800000 1,606.210000 1,607.370000 NA NA 1,605.100000 1,617.990000 1,618.070000 1,629.620000
Kuwaiti dinar NA 0.418946 0.418755 0.418917 NA 0.417896 0.417571 0.417734 0.418001 NA
Malaysian ringgit 5.608750 5.614000 5.617660 5.608780 5.597000 NA 5.615520 5.608050 5.625400 5.629680
Mauritian rupee 50.447200 50.545600 50.551000 50.620600 50.565100 50.568600 50.626000 50.665700 50.727900 50.772800
Mexican peso 25.871100 25.801400 25.772500 25.939000 25.931700 26.067000 25.856200 25.722200 25.846900 26.035700
New Zealand dollar 2.080490 2.088880 2.093000 2.092210 2.081080 2.089960 2.102390 2.102490 2.109640 2.121320
Norwegian krone 12.291100 12.333600 12.386600 12.398900 12.400900 12.528200 12.590700 12.569500 12.692200 12.694700
Omani rial NA 0.530496 0.530254 0.530456 NA 0.529165 0.528754 0.528698 0.529036 0.529437
Peruvian sol 4.582260 4.576470 4.570260 4.580290 4.571800 4.591140 4.582070 4.596710 4.621670 NA
Philippine peso 70.080000 70.287400 70.386400 70.279500 70.178400 70.049100 69.958000 69.876300 69.859200 70.092300
Polish zloty 5.253650 5.282060 5.268340 5.284970 5.298210 5.329500 5.341710 5.344880 5.346220 5.369960
Qatari riyal NA 5.022120 5.019830 5.021740 NA 5.009520 5.005630 5.005110 5.008310 NA
Russian ruble 84.953800 85.341700 85.274000 85.468600 85.105700 85.792000 86.402000 85.792700 86.731800 86.938400
Saudi Arabian riyal NA 5.173890 5.171540 5.173490 NA 5.160890 5.156900 5.156370 5.159670 NA
Singapore dollar 1.859280 1.861360 1.861480 1.860940 1.859150 NA 1.867480 1.866880 1.875780 1.875270
South African rand 19.880100 19.991800 19.872400 19.818500 19.784000 19.994200 20.169900 20.060700 20.200800 20.524800
Swedish krona 13.101600 13.153800 13.143000 13.116700 13.127400 13.182900 13.251200 13.221200 13.274400 13.302000
Swiss franc 1.334430 1.334860 1.339910 1.336140 NA 1.333920 1.335020 1.340720 1.335250 1.333780
Thai baht 42.050700 41.894600 41.911500 42.015700 42.019300 42.209200 42.340200 42.476000 42.925600 42.870100
Trinidadian dollar 9.337770 9.337240 9.342390 9.349460 9.331580 9.286170 9.270760 9.244450 9.276700 9.263460
U.A.E. dirham NA 5.066960 5.064650 5.066570 NA 5.054230 5.050330 5.049790 5.053030 NA
Uruguayan peso 51.544000 51.620100 51.494600 51.435600 51.259200 51.408100 51.399900 51.413600 51.710900 NA
The value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR is the reciprocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quantities of the SDR basket currencies. See SDR Valuation.
These rates are the official rates used by the Fund to conduct operations with member countries. The rates are derived from the currency's representative exchange rate, as reported by the central bank, normally against the U.S. dollar at spot market rates and rounded to six significant digits. See Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies.
The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR (shown above) is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.
Exchange rates are published daily except on IMF holidays, or whenever the IMF is closed for business, or on an ad-hoc basis to facilitate unscheduled IMF operations.
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