International Monetary Fund

SDRs per Currency unit for January 2025

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These rates are the official rates used by the Fund to conduct operations with member countries. The rates are derived from the currency's representative exchange rate, as reported by the central bank, normally against the U.S. dollar at spot market rates and rounded to six significant digits.

SDRs per Currency unit for January 2025
Currency January 02,
January 03,
January 06,
January 07,
January 08,
January 10,
January 13,
January 14,
January 15,
January 16,
Chinese yuan 0.1053920000 0.1053710000 0.1045650000 0.1046630000 0.1051210000 0.1051200000 0.1055580000 0.1053350000 0.1051010000 0.1051220000
Euro 0.7939930000 0.7931370000 0.7990510000 0.7970610000 0.7927790000 0.7942450000 0.7892630000 0.7911280000 0.7936950000 0.7916730000
Japanese yen NA NA 0.0048598700 0.0048477900 0.0048765300 0.0048662400 NA 0.0049016700 0.0048758400 0.0049290700
U.K. pound 0.9575080000 0.9556690000 0.9614130000 0.9617190000 0.9534000000 0.9476750000 0.9373560000 0.9409750000 0.9422630000 0.9409980000
U.S. dollar 0.7692990000 0.7701110000 0.7664020000 0.7669210000 0.7707360000 0.7708120000 0.7739390000 0.7722090000 0.7705780000 0.7707100000
Algerian dinar 0.0056619600 0.0056644400 NA 0.0056666900 0.0056767400 0.0056688800 0.0056858800 0.0056786500 0.0056789100 0.0056784300
Australian dollar 0.4782730000 0.4787010000 0.4769320000 0.4800160000 0.4801690000 0.4774410000 0.4746570000 0.4779200000 0.4773730000 0.4783030000
Botswana pula NA NA 0.0548744000 0.0552950000 0.0552618000 0.0548047000 0.0547175000 0.0548268000 0.0548652000 0.0551058000
Brazilian real 0.1239210000 0.1251050000 0.1254070000 0.1262730000 0.1257010000 0.1264480000 0.1267240000 0.1272910000 0.1276400000 0.1277790000
Brunei dollar 0.5655360000 0.5626180000 0.5595400000 0.5620530000 0.5643520000 0.5632940000 0.5634380000 0.5636150000 0.5631230000 0.5636320000
Canadian dollar 0.5335680000 0.5332440000 0.5341520000 NA 0.5356050000 NA 0.5370470000 0.5373380000 0.5375880000 0.5356620000
Chilean peso 0.0007720320 0.0007702340 0.0007574490 0.0007585920 0.0007662530 0.0007678020 0.0007668840 0.0007624800 0.0007669960 0.0007692250
Czech koruna 0.0315312000 0.0315270000 0.0317522000 0.0317224000 0.0315500000 0.0316646000 0.0312892000 0.0312990000 0.0314689000 0.0313833000
Danish krone 0.1064580000 0.1063200000 0.1071250000 0.1068570000 0.1062590000 0.1064580000 0.1057920000 0.1060390000 0.1063780000 0.1061100000
Indian rupee 0.0089677300 0.0089798600 0.0089295200 0.0089469100 0.0089783000 0.0089738200 0.0089538100 0.0089221500 0.0089083300 0.0089114500
Israeli New Shekel 0.2107670000 0.2106430000 0.2107820000 0.2114480000 0.2104110000 0.2103170000 0.2107680000 0.2126710000 0.2128080000 0.2126100000
Korean won 0.0005233330 0.0005244920 0.0005224990 0.0005214310 0.0005295700 0.0005286050 0.0005298410 0.0005248480 0.0005266030 0.0005278110
Kuwaiti dinar NA NA 2.4846900000 2.4883900000 2.4995500000 NA 2.5058700000 2.5010800000 2.4966100000 2.4978400000
Malaysian ringgit 0.1718140000 0.1713260000 0.1698210000 0.1700490000 0.1712940000 0.1715390000 0.1716430000 0.1715450000 0.1710120000 0.1713640000
Mauritian rupee NA 0.0160930000 0.0162421000 0.0163849000 0.0164780000 0.0163593000 0.0162933000 0.0162895000 0.0163667000 0.0164051000
Mexican peso 0.0371791000 0.0372560000 0.0377176000 0.0376977000 0.0378140000 0.0372292000 0.0372065000 0.0377018000 0.0376121000 0.0371012000
New Zealand dollar NA 0.4317630000 0.4312540000 0.4330040000 0.4340010000 0.4310770000 0.4307360000 0.4322830000 0.4315240000 0.4339480000
Norwegian krone 0.0677623000 0.0677146000 0.0682393000 0.0679016000 0.0675397000 0.0675552000 0.0674063000 0.0675055000 0.0678170000 0.0676845000
Omani rial 2.0007800000 NA 1.9932400000 1.9945900000 2.0045100000 NA 2.0128500000 2.0083500000 2.0041000000 2.0044500000
Peruvian sol 0.2053650000 0.2051440000 0.2039390000 NA 0.2041140000 NA 0.2050710000 0.2046670000 0.2048860000 NA
Philippine peso 0.0132989000 0.0133046000 0.0131752000 0.0131635000 0.0132659000 0.0131742000 0.0132646000 0.0131635000 0.0131617000 0.0131393000
Polish zloty 0.1866370000 0.1855150000 NA 0.1881090000 0.1864610000 0.1861190000 0.1846930000 0.1853690000 0.1864450000 0.1860140000
Qatari riyal 0.2113460000 NA 0.2105500000 0.2106930000 0.2117410000 NA 0.2126210000 0.2121450000 0.2116970000 0.2117340000
Russian ruble NA NA NA NA NA 0.0075633100 0.0075353300 0.0074654300 0.0074953300 0.0075282100
Saudi Arabian riyal 0.2051460000 NA 0.2043740000 0.2045120000 0.2055300000 NA 0.2063840000 0.2059220000 0.2054870000 0.2055230000
Singapore dollar 0.5655360000 0.5626180000 0.5595400000 0.5620530000 0.5643520000 0.5632940000 0.5634380000 0.5636150000 0.5631230000 0.5636320000
South African rand 0.0410065000 0.0410223000 0.0410471000 0.0412059000 0.0409794000 0.0407044000 0.0403741000 0.0407380000 0.0407948000 0.0409182000
Swedish krona 0.0695126000 0.0693332000 NA 0.0694606000 0.0688624000 0.0690828000 0.0685988000 0.0687220000 0.0690080000 0.0689311000
Swiss franc NA 0.8470200000 0.8496700000 0.8464910000 0.8450590000 0.8433390000 0.8441740000 0.8425170000 0.8449320000 0.8455400000
Thai baht 0.0224935000 0.0223596000 0.0221491000 0.0221801000 0.0222672000 0.0222778000 0.0222563000 0.0222584000 0.0221724000 0.0222897000
Trinidadian dollar 0.1141360000 0.1143730000 0.1137030000 NA 0.1141630000 0.1138960000 0.1144640000 0.1142640000 0.1140870000 0.1140270000
U.A.E. dirham 0.2094760000 NA 0.2086870000 0.2088280000 0.2098670000 NA 0.2107390000 0.2102680000 0.2098240000 0.2098600000
Uruguayan peso 0.0175239000 0.0175145000 NA NA 0.0175430000 0.0175340000 0.0175580000 0.0175654000 0.0174944000 0.0175261000
The value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR is the reciprocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quantities of the SDR basket currencies. See SDR Valuation.
These rates are the official rates used by the Fund to conduct operations with member countries. The rates are derived from the currency's representative exchange rate, as reported by the central bank, normally against the U.S. dollar at spot market rates and rounded to six significant digits. See Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies.
The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR (shown above) is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.
Exchange rates are published daily except on IMF holidays, or whenever the IMF is closed for business, or on an ad-hoc basis to facilitate unscheduled IMF operations.
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