IMF Staff Country Reports

Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: Financial System Stability Assessment, including Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes on Banking Supervision

September 14, 2004

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International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department "Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: Financial System Stability Assessment, including Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes on Banking Supervision", IMF Staff Country Reports 2004, 293 (2004), accessed December 11, 2024,

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This Financial System Stability Assessment on the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) reviews overall stability assessment. The fiscal position of the governments in the region has deteriorated sharply in recent years. A source of strength of the ECCU has been the large historical presence of strong foreign banks. However, the structure of the banking industry is changing with the entry of more aggressive regional banks, and the share of privately owned banks has increased. The limited activity of the organized ECCU securities markets reflects the small number of securities available for trading.

Subject: Banking, Commercial banks, Credit bureaus, Financial institutions, Financial services, Loans, Offshore financial centers, Securities

Keywords: Bank, Bank affiliate, Bank auditor, Bank management, Bank regulator, Caribbean, Commercial banks, CR, Demand liability, Draft contingency plan, ECCB act, ECCB Acts, ECCB currency arrangement, ECCB faces reputation risk, ECCB reserve, Enforcement power, Faces reputation risk, Global, ISCR, Loans, Offshore financial centers, Reputation risk, Request bank, Securities

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