IMF Staff Country Reports

United States: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Systemic Risk Oversight and Management-Technical Notes

July 7, 2015

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United States: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Systemic Risk Oversight and Management-Technical Notes, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 2015) accessed February 8, 2025


This Technical Note discusses the findings and recommendations made in the Financial Sector Assessment Program for the United States in the areas of systemic risk oversight and management. Significant steps have been taken by the U.S. authorities to reduce risks in a number of areas, but progress is most advanced in the area of banking sector resilience, and less so in other areas which play a major role in the financial system. Further actions are needed to address data gaps, resolve remaining impediments to data sharing, support coordination and consultation on prudential standards and regulations, enhance risk monitoring frameworks, and provide additional clarity on the nature and scale of identified emerging systemic threats.

Subject: Asset and liability management, Financial institutions, Financial sector policy and analysis, Financial sector stability, Liquidity, PFM information systems, Public financial management (PFM), Securities, Systemic risk

Keywords: CR, Discount window, Establishment of the FSOC, Financial sector stability, Financial system, FSOC member agency, FSOC minutes, FSOC risk discussion, FSOC secretariat staff, FSOC structure, FSOC Systemic Risk Committee, FSOC work, Global, Global financial system, Interest rate, ISCR, Liquidity, Liquidity risk, Market maker, Mortgage market, PFM information systems, Private sector, Repo market, Securities, Systemic risk

Publication Details

  • Pages:


  • Volume:


  • DOI:


  • Issue:


  • Series:

    Country Report No. 2015/172

  • Stock No:


  • ISBN:


  • ISSN:
