Afghanistan |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Albania |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: IMF Staff Estimates
Latest actual data: 2019
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Modified Cash Basis
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Monetary Public Corporations, incl. central bank; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable
Primary domestic currency: Albanian lek
Data last updated: 03/2021
1,022.705 |
1,147.784 |
1,245.275 |
2019 |
Algeria |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Calculated as debt liabilities minus government deposits.
Fiscal assumptions: Data for 2020 are preliminary and using the new supplementary budget law for 2020. Projections for 2020-2025 are based on IMF staff calculations and authorities’ medium term budget framework 2020-22.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Algerian dinar
Data last updated: 03/2021
6,167.971 |
9,227.528 |
12,601.830 |
2019 |
Angola |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Antigua and Barbuda |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Argentina |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Armenia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Aruba |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Australia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Treasury Department
Latest actual data: 2019. Data are converted by averaging two fiscal years.
Notes: Social Benefits series comprises social security and welfare spending for which we do not have comparable data prior to 2004.
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are based on data from Australian Bureau of Statistics; the FY2020-21 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook of the Commonwealth government; the FY2020-21 Budget published by each State/Territory government; and IMF staff estimates and projections.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December. July/June by authorities, and Jan/Dec by staff
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. The IMF has published a revised Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM 2014), and the Australian system has been updated to reflect the new international standards. These changes are presented in the Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2015 (cat. no. 5514.0), and will be implemented for data reported for periods from 1 July 2017 onwards, Source: ABS
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Other;. Other includes Territory governments
Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Shares and Other Equity; Financial Derivatives; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable
Primary domestic currency: Australian dollar
Data last updated: 03/2021
525.053 |
755.609 |
1,022.469 |
2019 |
Austria |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2019. For annual data
Fiscal assumptions: The fiscal projection is based on the 2021 budget but takes into consideration of available data for 2020 and include the new EU recovery funds (not included in the budget) for projection years.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Our framework follows the Maastricht debt criteria.
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
190.435 |
230.161 |
254.797 |
2019 |
Azerbaijan |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
The Bahamas |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Bahrain |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Bangladesh |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Barbados |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019/20. 3/1/2020
Notes: Fiscal perimeter = budgetary central government. Authorities do not consolidate general government.
Start/end months of reporting year: April/March
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;. Data covers the Budgetary Central Government only.
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Central Government Gross Debt includes Guaranteed, non-Guaranteed and Arrears; Central Government Net Debt is derived by Central Government Gross Debt subtract Government's deposits in CBB and Commercial Banks; Forecast (2018-2023) for Government's deposits is to remain constant with 2017.
Primary domestic currency: Barbados dollar
Data last updated: 02/2021
12.557 |
13.085 |
13.445 |
2020 |
Belarus |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Belgium |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Projections are based on the 2020-21 Stability Program, the Draft Budgetary Plan 2020, the 2021 budget, and other available information on the authorities’ fiscal plans, with adjustments for IMF staff assumptions.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
405.800 |
455.800 |
489.407 |
2019 |
Belize |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Benin |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Bhutan |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Bolivia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Primary domestic currency: Bolivian boliviano
Data last updated: 01/2021
128.670 |
154.853 |
181.781 |
2019 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Additional data received from the Indirect Tax Authority
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Gross debt excludes other accounts payable. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus currency and deposits only.
Fiscal assumptions: Budget, macro framework, structural reforms set by program, and WEO.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Accrual. Revenues are on cash basis and expenditures on accrual basis.
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Convertible marka
Data last updated: 01/2021
7.333 |
9.500 |
10.656 |
2019 |
Botswana |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019/20
Start/end months of reporting year: April/March
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Primary domestic currency: Botswana pula
Data last updated: 02/2021
5.652 |
27.293 |
49.243 |
2020 |
Brazil |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020
Notes: General Government (GG) data refers to the non-financial public sector, which includes the federal, state and local governments as well as public enterprises (excluding Petrobras and Eletrobras), and is consolidated with the Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF). Revenue and expenditures of federal public enterprises are added in full to the respective aggregates. Transfers or withdrawals from the SWF do not impact the primary balance. Disaggregated data on gross interest payments and interest receipts is available from 2003 onwards only. Prior to 2003, Total Revenue of the GG excludes interest receipts, while Total Expenditure of the GG includes net interest payments. In 2015, interest income is negative to account for Central Bank losses with swap operations.
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections for 2021 reflect policy announcements as of March 12, 2021. Medium-term projections reflect full compliance with Brazil’s constitutional expenditure ceiling.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. Total Revenue includes disposal of non financial assets, and Net Acquisition of Nonfinancial Assets does not net out these proceeds.
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Gross public debt includes the treasury bills at the central bank's balance sheet, including those not used under repurchase agreements.
Primary domestic currency: Brazilian real
Data last updated: 03/2021
4,041.769 |
4,670.004 |
5,497.823 |
2020 |
Brunei Darussalam |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Bulgaria |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020
Notes: Gross debt is calculated using the national presentation, i.e. the Government Debt Act (GDA). Net debt: gross debt, adjusted for currency depositions, debt securities, and loans of general government.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Bulgarian lev
Data last updated: 03/2021
9.633 |
15.595 |
19.347 |
2020 |
Burkina Faso |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Burundi |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Cabo Verde |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance
Latest actual data: 2019
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Primary domestic currency: Cabo Verde escudo
Data last updated: 03/2021
225.930 |
217.410 |
231.354 |
2019 |
Cambodia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Cameroon |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Actual fiscal data and WEO projections
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Mixed
General government includes: Central Government; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable
Primary domestic currency: CFA franc
Data last updated: 01/2021
9,000.585 |
9,272.602 |
9,819.652 |
2019 |
Canada |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020
Notes: Fiscal data are on a calendar year basis. Government financial assets (used for the calculation of net debt) include currency and deposits, accounts receivable, short-term and other bonds, investment fund shares, loans, and equity.
Fiscal assumptions: Projections use baseline forecasts from the Fall Economic Statement 2020, and the most recent provincial budgets available. The IMF staff makes some adjustments to this forecast, including for differences in macroeconomic projections. The IMF staff forecast also incorporates the most recent data releases from Statistics Canada’s Canadian System of National Economic Accounts, including federal, provincial, and territorial budgetary outturns through Q3 2020.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. Comment: Preliminary data: based on quarterly data.
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other;. Gross debt includes debt securities, loans, life insurance and pension, and other accounts payable but excludes unfunded pension liabilities. Net debt is estimated as gross debt minus financial assets which include currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, equity and investment fund shares, and accounts receivable.
Primary domestic currency: Canadian dollar
Data last updated: 03/2021
540.225 |
726.768 |
884.496 |
2020 |
Central African Republic |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Chad |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Chile |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020
Notes: GGCB and GGSB are approximated by the Central Government Cyclical-Adjusted Balance and Structural Balance, respectively as more than 90% of the expenditures and revenues are from the Central Government.
Fiscal assumptions: Projections are based on the authorities quarterly fiscal reports, adjusted to reflect IMF staff’s projections for GDP and copper prices.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual. Some elements including tax revenues are recorded on a cash basis
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso
Data last updated: 03/2021
16,064.297 |
17,323.242 |
23,661.000 |
2020 |
China |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Colombia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Headline balance includes Central Bank utilities distributed to the Central Government. Structural balance based on staff estimates; adjusts for the cyclical variation of GDP, oil prices and oil production levels.
Fiscal assumptions: Medium-Term Fiscal Framework 2020
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. Transitioning toward 2014 manual
Basis of recording: Revenue (cash); Expenditure (cash modified)
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Primary domestic currency: Colombian peso
Data last updated: 03/2021
456,049.504 |
559,321.494 |
640,812.622 |
2019 |
Comoros |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Republic of Congo |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Costa Rica |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Côte d'Ivoire |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Croatia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus deposits, loans and debt securities.
Fiscal assumptions: Projections based on macro framework and authorities' medium-term fiscal guidelines.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Before ESA 2010 was introduced, Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Other;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Croatian kuna
Data last updated: 03/2021
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Cyprus |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: EUROSTAT until 2014. CYSTAT thereafter. The fiscal balances in 2014 and 2015 exclude the Euro 1.5 billion and Euro 0.175 billion coop recapitalizations, respectively, to better capture the underlying fiscal position. For 2015 and thereafter, FISIM on ESM loans is included in intermediate consumption rather than in the interest payment.
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable. Net debt is derived as Maastricht definition gross debt minus assets in the form of currency and deposits and loans and debt securities (from Government Finance Statistics data up to 2009 and from IFS from 2010.
Fiscal assumptions: Projections are based on staff's assessment of authorities' budget plans and staff's macroeconomic assumptions.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;. Extra-Budgetary Funds and entities referred as semi-public entities in the national classification are also covered as part of the Central Government fiscal information.
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
10.716 |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Czech Republic |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable.
Fiscal assumptions: Projections are based on the Convergence Program and latest-available Fiscal Outlook with adjustments for macroeconomic projections from the IMF staff.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Shares and Other Equity; Insurance Technical Reserves; Financial Derivatives
Primary domestic currency: Czech koruna
Data last updated: 03/2021
1,050.917 |
1,448.689 |
1,892.986 |
2019 |
Denmark |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable
Fiscal assumptions: Estimates for 2020 are aligned with the latest official budget numbers, adjusted where appropriate for the IMF staff’s macroeconomic assumptions. For 2021, the projections incorporate key features of the medium-term fiscal plan as embodied in the authorities’ latest budget.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. Nominal Value debt valuation is consistent with Eurostat's definition
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Subtracted items include Currency and Deposits, Securities Other than Shares, Loans and Other Financial Assets.
Primary domestic currency: Danish krone
Data last updated: 03/2021
278.132 |
376.442 |
418.644 |
2019 |
Djibouti |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: GGE series was changed as of July 2011 = current expenditure (before = total expenditure)
Fiscal assumptions: Desk projections in absence of projections from authorities.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Loans
Primary domestic currency: Djibouti franc
Data last updated: 03/2021
228.731 |
247.321 |
258.883 |
2019 |
Dominica |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Dominican Republic |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: For the Dominican Republic, the fiscal series have the following coverage: (i) public debt, debt service and the cyclically-adjusted/structural balances are for the Consolidated Public Sector (which includes central government, rest of the non-financial public sector, and the central bank); and (ii) the remaining fiscal series refer to the Central Government.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Data starting in 2014 follows GFSM 2014, but previous years have not been converted yet.
Basis of recording: Accrual. Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Monetary Gold and SDRs
Primary domestic currency: Dominican peso
Data last updated: 03/2021
1,978.154 |
2,455.085 |
2,595.101 |
2019 |
Ecuador |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Egypt |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019/20
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are mainly based on budget sector operations. Projections are based on the budget for 2020/21 and the Fund’s macroeconomic outlook.
Start/end months of reporting year: July/June
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;. Central Government, Local Government, Social Security Funds, Other. General government includes budget sector (central government, local governorates and public service authorities), social insurance fund and national investment bank
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Egyptian pound
Data last updated: 03/2021
3,950.437 |
4,627.104 |
5,224.135 |
2020 |
El Salvador |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Equatorial Guinea |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Economy and/or Planning. Ministry of Finance, Economy and Planning
Latest actual data: 2018
Fiscal assumptions: Actual fiscal data and WEO projections
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash. Commitment basis from 2013
General government includes: Central Government;. State/local government and other public institution are not covered due to limited information.
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: CFA franc
Data last updated: 03/2021
2,065.746 |
2,174.743 |
2,128.516 |
2018 |
Eritrea |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Estonia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable
Fiscal assumptions: The forecast incorporates the authorities’ approved supplementary budget for 2020, adjusted for newly available information and for Staff’s macroeconomic scenario.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Hybrid of 1986 and 2001 manuals used
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. This is the format of data provided by the authorities.
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
-0.605 |
0.166 |
2.994 |
2019 |
Eswatini |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019/20
Start/end months of reporting year: April/March
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other
Primary domestic currency: Swaziland lilangeni
Data last updated: 02/2021
21.442 |
26.771 |
32.705 |
2020 |
Ethiopia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019/20
Start/end months of reporting year: July/June
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Loans; Shares and Other Equity; Insurance Technical Reserves; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary Gold and SDRs
Primary domestic currency: Ethiopian birr
Data last updated: 03/2021
1,450.927 |
1,749.273 |
2,187.988 |
2020 |
Fiji |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019/20
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Primary domestic currency: Fiji dollar
Data last updated: 02/2021
5.748 |
6.831 |
8.054 |
2020 |
Finland |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020
Fiscal assumptions: Based on announced policies by the authorities, adjusted for the Staff macroeconomic scenario.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. Nominal Value debt valuation is consistent with Eurostat's definition
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Data reported are based on the Maastricht definition. It covers all general governments in the sense of the national accounts: the State, other government bodies (ODAC), local governments and social security administrations. It does not include all financial liabilities but only cash and deposits, securities other than shares as well as loans; excluded are derivative products and other accounts payable.
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
58.985 |
70.359 |
80.936 |
2020 |
France |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Estimates for 2020 and projections for 2021 onwards are based on the measures of the 2018-20 budget laws, the four amending budget laws voted in 2020, and the 2021 budget law, adjusted for differences in assumptions on macro and financial variables, and revenue projections.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
2,168.472 |
2,375.155 |
2,557.417 |
2019 |
Gabon |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
The Gambia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Georgia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Germany |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: National Statistics Office. Data of general government gross debt comes from EUROSTAT
Latest actual data: 2020
Fiscal assumptions: The IMF staff’s projections for 2021 and beyond are based on the 2020 stability program, supplementary budgets, and data updates from the national statistical agency (Destatis) and Ministry of Finance, adjusted for the differences in the IMF staff's macroeconomic framework and assumptions concerning revenue elasticities. The estimate of gross debt includes portfolios of impaired assets and noncore business transferred to institutions that are winding up, as well as other financial sector and EU support operations.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;. other refers to special funds
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
1,426.973 |
1,666.589 |
1,860.164 |
2020 |
Ghana |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2018
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Ghanaian cedi
Data last updated: 03/2021
206.668 |
278.893 |
339.650 |
2018 |
Greece |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Grenada |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Guatemala |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Guinea |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Guinea-Bissau |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Guyana |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Consistent with other sectors.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;. Net debt is equal to gross debt minus CG deposits in the banking system. In 2016, CG was borrowing from the CB, therefore, CG had no deposit and the net debt is equal to gross debt.
Primary domestic currency: Guyana dollar
Data last updated: 03/2021
398.987 |
494.965 |
614.924 |
2019 |
Haiti |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Honduras |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Hong Kong SAR |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Hungary |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Economy and/or Planning. Ministry of National Economy; Eurostat
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections include IMF staff projections of the macroeconomic framework and fiscal policy plans announced in the 2020 budget
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations;. State Government does not apply to Hungary
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Hungarian forint
Data last updated: 03/2021
27,733.652 |
35,339.688 |
37,370.950 |
2019 |
Iceland |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2018
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus assets in the form of currency and deposits.
Primary domestic currency: Icelandic króna
Data last updated: 03/2021
1,687.934 |
1,875.140 |
2,184.961 |
2018 |
India |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Indonesia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are consistent with a gradual unwinding of the large fiscal stimulus in 2020 including returning the fiscal deficit to below 3 percent of GDP by 2023.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December. From 2000 onward
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash. The budget in Indonesia is reported on cash basis. There is an ongoing project to change to accrual basis in their reporting in the coming years.
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government;. The general government composition consists of Central Government and Subnational levels, including Provinces and municipalities. Social Security Funds will be included in the general government reporting in the future.
Valuation of public debt: Face value. Book value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Indonesian rupiah
Data last updated: 03/2021
4,280,410.849 |
5,093,549.618 |
6,237,380.870 |
2020 |
Islamic Republic of Iran |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2018/19
Notes: Excludes Targeted Subsidy Organization and National Development Fund
Start/end months of reporting year: April/March
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash. Accrual accounting method is not used
General government includes: Central Government;. General Government data set equal to Central Government since General Government data are not reported.
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: types of instruments are unavailable.
Primary domestic currency: Iranian rial
Data last updated: 03/2021
9,315,887.000 |
11,829,701.654 |
15,124,007.419 |
2019 |
Iraq |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Ireland |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Eurostat
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are based on the country's Budget 2021 and SPU 2020.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable. Net debt is defined as gross debt less currency and deposits, debt securities, and loans.
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
175.795 |
200.983 |
226.742 |
2019 |
Israel |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance and National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Historical data are based on Government Finance Statistics data prepared by the Central Bureau of Statistics. Projections based on figures from the Ministry of Finance for the execution of the coronavirus fiscal package during 2020, and assumes partial implementation of the package for 2021.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Quasi-accrual basis.
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net debt subtracts liquidity financial assets from gross debt
Primary domestic currency: Israeli shekel
Data last updated: 03/2021
804.660 |
973.210 |
1,103.095 |
2019 |
Italy |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2020
Fiscal assumptions: The IMF estimates and projections are informed by the fiscal plans included in the government’s 2021 budget. The stock of maturing postal bonds (BPF) is included in the debt projections.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
2,186.382 |
2,345.736 |
2,492.802 |
2020 |
Jamaica |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Japan |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Cabinet Office of Japan via Haver database.
Latest actual data: 2019. Authorities release fiscal data with a 10 month delay.
Fiscal assumptions: Projections reflect fiscal measures already announced by the government as of March 9, with adjustments for IMF staff assumptions.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;. Government in Japan consists of 3 layers: central, prefectural, and municipal. The latter two government levels are covered under local government. There is no government at the state level in Japan.
Valuation of public debt: Current market value. Gross public debt is on unconsolidated basis.
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Insurance Technical Reserves; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary Gold and SDRs; Other
Primary domestic currency: Japanese yen
Data last updated: 03/2021
844,301.000 |
912,317.748 |
964,807.925 |
2019 |
Jordan |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. Public sector coverage corresponds to the central government and, starting in 2007, it also includes the fiscal performance of two key SOEs: NEPCO (National Electric Power Company) and WAJ (Water Authority of Jordan). Due to data limitations, the net overall deficit of both public entities is included under other transfers. Public debt is on consolidated basis (consolidating the expanded central government with the social security corporation).
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Jordanian dinar
Data last updated: 03/2021
24.420 |
27.265 |
29.045 |
2019 |
Kazakhstan |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2020
Fiscal assumptions: Budget Law and staff projections
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Kazakhstani tenge
Data last updated: 03/2021
-9,671.229 |
-6,072.934 |
-3,707.046 |
2020 |
Kenya |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019. Raw data is in fiscal year, which runs from July to June.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December. Reporting year is calendar year, done by taking the average of fiscal years. For example, 2000 is the average of 1999/2000 and 2000/2001.
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Loans; Shares and Other Equity
Primary domestic currency: Kenya shillings
Data last updated: 03/2021
5,576.489 |
6,762.272 |
8,058.974 |
2019 |
Kiribati |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Korea |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: The series on general government debt does not include non-market non-profit institutions.
Fiscal assumptions: The forecast incorporates the overall fiscal balance in the 2021 annual and supplementary budgets and the medium-term fiscal plan announced with the 2021 budget, along with IMF staff's adjustments.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;. For government gross/net debt only, general government includes central government and local governments. The series on general government debt does not include non-market non-profit institutions.
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Korean won
Data last updated: 03/2021
226,461.767 |
350,949.163 |
455,180.144 |
2019 |
Kosovo |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Kuwait |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Kyrgyz Republic |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Lao P.D.R. |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Latvia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020
Notes: Public debt covers debt of the general government excluding debt of the commercial companies and institutional units, reclassified by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) in the general government (central and local government) sector. It does not include liabilities in the form of other accounts payable.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
8.672 |
10.766 |
12.029 |
2020 |
Lebanon |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Revenue projections are made based on the macroeconomic assumptions and revenue buoyancy of various taxes (as measures by elasticity measures and staff's understanding of the authorities' tax policy measures). On the spending side, projections reflect the authorities' projections, with a few deviations to take into account key macroeconomic assumptions (e.g., WEO oil price for subsidies to the electricity company). Monetary projections are based on key assumptions on deposits growth, dollarization and credit to private sector.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. GFSM 2001 has been adopted but should be refined. Budgetary expenditure data are reported on a modified cash basis, corresponding to the issuance of payment orders.
Basis of recording: Mixed. Modified cash basis (only corrects for arrears)
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;. Information on the size of public assets is not available in case of Lebanon. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus value of government’s accounts at the central bank.
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
133,976.000 |
143,443.007 |
n/a |
2019 |
Lesotho |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019/20
Start/end months of reporting year: April/March
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government;
Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Lesotho loti
Data last updated: 02/2021
-0.638 |
-0.163 |
2.465 |
2020 |
Liberia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Grants include most of off-budget grant disbursements. The fiscal data are observed from 2014, and the historical series are spliced. Debt relief was granted in 2009, which explained the high number for that year in general government net lending/borrowing.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable
Primary domestic currency: U.S. dollar
Data last updated: 03/2021
1.686 |
1.854 |
1.818 |
2019 |
Libya |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Lithuania |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections for the current year take into account up-to-date available data. Projections for future years are passive on the basis on announced policy measures.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. This is the format of data presented by the authorities.
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
14.821 |
20.221 |
22.575 |
2019 |
Luxembourg |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable
Fiscal assumptions: Projections are based on the authorities’ best understanding of the government’s multiyear budget plan for 2021 and the medium term
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
-5.351 |
-2.933 |
-0.821 |
2019 |
Macao SAR |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Madagascar |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Malawi |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Malaysia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Maldives |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Mali |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2018
Fiscal assumptions: Approved budget and agreed program budget for current year; authorities' medium-term fiscal framework plus staff estimates for outer years.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Expenditure is reported on accrual basis, revenue on a cash basis (except for corporate income tax, which has a separate reporting regime)
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares
Primary domestic currency: CFA franc
Data last updated: 03/2021
3,481.637 |
2,963.606 |
2,742.396 |
2018 |
Malta |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: NSO data via Eurostat
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Projections are based on the latest Stability Programme Update by the authorities and budget documents, taking also into account other recently adopted fiscal measures, adjusted for staff's macroeconomic and other assumptions.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable.
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
4.181 |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Marshall Islands |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Mauritania |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Loans
Primary domestic currency: New Mauritanian Ouguiya
Data last updated: 02/2021
161.755 |
180.455 |
197.338 |
2019 |
Mauritius |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Mexico |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020
Fiscal assumptions: The 2020 Public Sector Borrowing Requirements (PSBR) estimate by staff adjusts for some statistical discrepancies between above-the-line and below-the-line numbers and proceeds from the oil hedge program. Fiscal projections for 2021 are broadly in line with the approved budget; projections for 2022 onward assume compliance with rules established in the Fiscal Responsibility Law.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Currently the Mexico team is submitting data to WEO using GFSM 2014 classification by making a range of adjustments based on additional data provided by the Mexican authorities for the period 2008-2019. Thus, the series display a statistical break in 2008. The GFSM classification is also used to present fiscal tables in the Art IV reports (in addition to standard tables used for discussion with Mexican authorities). Accrual data are not available to the Mexico team.
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. Includes central government, social security funds, state-owned enterprises, public development banks but excludes state and local governments.
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Insurance Technical Reserves
Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso
Data last updated: 03/2021
10,870.037 |
12,085.795 |
12,938.084 |
2020 |
Micronesia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Moldova |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Mongolia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Montenegro |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Morocco |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Economy and/or Planning
Latest actual data: 2019. Preliminary
Fiscal assumptions: Authorities' and staff estimates
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government;. Other level fiscal data is not available from the authorities.
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus government deposits in the central bank.
Primary domestic currency: Moroccan dirham
Data last updated: 03/2021
746.810 |
813.862 |
866.673 |
2019 |
Mozambique |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Myanmar |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Namibia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2018/19
Start/end months of reporting year: April/March
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Primary domestic currency: Namibia dollar
Data last updated: 02/2021
99.579 |
113.100 |
132.443 |
2019 |
Nauru |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Nepal |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Netherlands |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable.
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections for the period 2020–25 are based on IMF staff forecasts framework also informed by authorities’ draft budget plan and Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis projections. Historical data were revised following the June 2014 Central Bureau of Statistics release of revised macro data because of the adoption of the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA 2010) and the revisions of data sources.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
337.353 |
348.811 |
377.941 |
2019 |
New Zealand |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020. Calendar year is derived as average of two fiscal years
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are based on Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update 2020 and the IMF staff estimates
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government;. Central government and local governments
Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Shares and Other Equity
Primary domestic currency: New Zealand dollar
Data last updated: 03/2021
22.197 |
47.297 |
73.293 |
2020 |
Nicaragua |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Niger |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal data is actual to end 2019. Fiscal projections for 2020 are based on the revised 2020 budget and discussions with the authorities.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Loans;. Loans and government deposits at Central Bank.
Primary domestic currency: CFA franc
Data last updated: 03/2021
2,718.449 |
3,187.752 |
3,516.729 |
2019 |
Nigeria |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Historical data series, annual budget and MTEF at the Federal Government level, and additional data from the authorities
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash. Fiscal data are based on execution data received from the authorities.
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government;
Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;. AMCON debt and CBN overdraft.
Primary domestic currency: Nigerian naira
Data last updated: 03/2021
37,060.273 |
53,403.151 |
61,728.920 |
2019 |
North Macedonia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020
Notes: Due to limited data on government assets, our net debt currently reflects gross debt net of government deposits.
Fiscal assumptions: Budget forecast and medium term projections.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Lending minus repayment is included in total expenditures
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Macedonian denar
Data last updated: 03/2021
275.937 |
335.257 |
370.349 |
2020 |
Norway |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: National Statistical Office and Ministry of Finance
Latest actual data: 2020
Fiscal assumptions: The fiscal projections are based on the 2020 budget. And subsequent ad-hoc updates.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares;. Treasury bills with maturity of up to one year, and bonds with maturity of up to 10 years. Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable.
Primary domestic currency: Norwegian krone
Data last updated: 03/2021
-3,635.783 |
-4,131.383 |
-4,182.983 |
2020 |
Oman |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2018
Notes: Staff estimate for the asset side of government net debt is based on governments deposits with central bank and State General Reserve Fund liquid assets.
Fiscal assumptions: Staff estimates
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable;. Securities other than shares includes government bills and treasury bonds. Net debt is equal to gross debt less governments deposits with central bank and State General Reserve Fund liquid assets.
Primary domestic currency: Omani rial
Data last updated: 03/2021
10.654 |
13.635 |
14.435 |
2018 |
Pakistan |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019/20. Central government and general government net lending/borrowing exclude payments for electricity arrears and commodity operations in the fiscal years 2009/10, 2010/11, and 2011/12.
Notes: Pakistan's data for the projection years exclude payments for electricity arrears and commodity operations.
Fiscal assumptions: Staff estimates.
Start/end months of reporting year: July/June
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other;. Government gross debt and net debt figures include IMF obligations.
Primary domestic currency: Pakistan rupee
Data last updated: 02/2021
29,300.235 |
33,224.725 |
36,963.074 |
2020 |
Palau |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Panama |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020. The NFPS excludes the Panama Canal Authority and three other public enterprises.
Notes: Net debt is calculated as the difference between gross debt of the NFPS and assets of Panama’s Sovereign Wealth Fund.
Fiscal assumptions: Budget
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net public debt follows the national definition of net debt, so it is defined as gross debt minus the assets of Panama’s sovereign wealth fund (Fondo de Ahorro de Panama).
Primary domestic currency: U.S. dollar
Data last updated: 03/2021
19.456 |
21.700 |
26.069 |
2020 |
Papua New Guinea |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Paraguay |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: General Government accounts on a cash basis
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Monetary Public Corporations, incl. central bank; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaraní
Data last updated: 02/2021
53,646.451 |
76,953.040 |
87,962.276 |
2019 |
Peru |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Ministry of Finance and Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2019
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash. Cash for revenues and accrual for expenditures
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol
Data last updated: 03/2021
86.267 |
145.783 |
184.575 |
2019 |
Philippines |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Poland |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Eurostat
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable
Fiscal assumptions: Data is on a ESA-95 2004 and prior. Data is on ESA-2010 beginning 2005 (accrual) basis. Projections are based on the 2020 budget and also take into account additional fiscal measures adopted that will subsequently be incorporated into a revised 2020 budget later this year.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Primary domestic currency: Polish zloty
Data last updated: 03/2021
897.331 |
1,186.983 |
1,268.104 |
2019 |
Portugal |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2019. General government statistics in 2017 are provisional and will be updated after the actual data are published.
Notes: Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable.
Fiscal assumptions: The projections for the current year are based on the authorities’ approved budget, adjusted to reflect the IMF staff’s macroeconomic forecast. Projections thereafter are based on the assumption of unchanged policies.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
236.758 |
249.100 |
259.899 |
2019 |
Puerto Rico |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Qatar |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Romania |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Gross debt: gross debt excluding guarantees (calculated using the national presentation, i.e. GEO no 64/2007). Net debt: gross debt excluding guarantees (calculated using the national presentation, i.e. GEO no 64/2007), adjusted for currency and deposits, debt securities and loans of general government.
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections reflect legislated changes up to the end of 2020. Medium term projections include a gradual implementation of recovery measures from the temporary recovery instrument Next Generation EU.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. Fiscal sector records on a majority-accrual basis, except with respect to WEO indicators, which are recorded on a GFS-01 cash basis.
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;. Also includes Road Company and Health and Employment Funds.
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Primary domestic currency: Romanian leu
Data last updated: 02/2021
301.878 |
424.289 |
499.904 |
2019 |
Russia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Rwanda |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Samoa |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
San Marino |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
São Tomé and Príncipe |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Saudi Arabia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: The IMF staff baseline fiscal projections are based on IMF staff’s understanding of government policies as outlined in the 2021 Budget. Exported oil revenues are based on WEO baseline oil price assumptions and staff’s understanding of Saudi Arabia’s current oil policy under the OPEC+ agreement
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;. The country team submits Central Government data, not General Government.
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net debt is gross debt (Loans and Securities) less government deposits at SAMA.
Primary domestic currency: Saudi Arabian riyal
Data last updated: 03/2021
148.446 |
416.635 |
530.235 |
2019 |
Senegal |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Serbia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Ministry of Finance
Latest actual data: 2020
Notes: Gross debt also includes accounts payable > 60 days and net debt only includes currency and deposits as government assets.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Combination of GFSM1986 and GFSM2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;. General government covers the following entities: Central government (Republican Budget, comprising direct budget users covering the three branches of government, President’s office, ministries, parliament, judiciary, other budget agencies); Mandatory social insurance funds (Pension Insurance Fund, Health Insurance Fund, Unemployment Fund and Military Health Fund); Extrabudgetary funds (PE Roads of Serbia and Koridori Ltd); Indirect budget users of the Republic; Subnational governments (Autonomous province of Vojvodina; Local government – Cities and Municipalities; Indirect budget users of local governments). Excluded from the data coverage are some indirect budget users of the Republican budget and Local government.
Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Insurance Technical Reserves; Financial Derivatives; Monetary Gold and SDRs; Other;. Recorded on a gross basis.
Primary domestic currency: Serbian dinar
Data last updated: 03/2021
2,647.202 |
2,981.689 |
3,306.303 |
2020 |
Seychelles |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Staff projections
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Change in presentation to reflect 2011 Budget classification and transition to GFS2001. Data prior to 2007 may not add up due to breaks in the GFS1986/2001 coverage.
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Social Security Funds;. Change in coverage of general government as of 2011 Budget and incorporation of budget dependent entities
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. Book value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Financial Derivatives; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other
Primary domestic currency: Seychelles rupee
Data last updated: 02/2021
10.172 |
17.445 |
21.875 |
2019 |
Sierra Leone |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Singapore |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Slovak Republic |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Slovenia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
20.677 |
23.380 |
25.405 |
2019 |
Solomon Islands |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are based on the staff’s assessment on the current fiscal situation and the authorities’ fiscal policy.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Loans
Primary domestic currency: Solomon Islands dollar
Data last updated: 03/2021
-0.509 |
0.258 |
1.666 |
2019 |
Somalia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
South Africa |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020
Notes: Gross debt does not include other accounts payable and refers to Central Government debt only. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus government deposits.
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal assumptions draw on the 2020 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement. Non-tax revenue excludes transactions in financial assets and liabilities as they involve primarily revenues associated with realized exchange rate valuation gains from the holding of foreign currency deposits, sale of assets, and conceptually similar items.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Social Security Funds; Other;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: South African rand
Data last updated: 03/2021
2,846.119 |
3,493.459 |
4,092.781 |
2020 |
South Sudan |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Spain |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Eurostat
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable.
Fiscal assumptions: The 2020 fiscal projections include the discretionary measures adopted in response to the COVID-19 crisis, the legislated pension and public wage increases, and the minimum vital income support. For 2021, the projections include COVID-related support measures, the legislated increase in pensions, and the legislated revenue measures. Fiscal projections from 2022 onwards assume no policy changes. Disbursements under the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility are reflected in the projections for 2021-24.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Euro
Data last updated: 03/2021
1,023.191 |
1,145.630 |
1,253.993 |
2019 |
Sri Lanka |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
St. Kitts and Nevis |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
St. Lucia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020. Preliminary
Fiscal assumptions: Discussions with the authorities and projections for growth and inflation
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. The authorities are using the GFS 1986. But the data was transformed to GFS 2001 format for WEO purpose.
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;. Debt corresponds to nonfinancial public sector (central government and SOEs)
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Eastern Caribbean dollar
Data last updated: 03/2021
1.619 |
1.792 |
1.919 |
2020 |
Sudan |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Suriname |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Sweden |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable
Fiscal assumptions: Projections for 2020 are based on preliminary information on the fall 2020 budget bill. The fiscal impact of cyclical developments is calculated using the OECD’s estimated elasticities on output and employment gaps (Price, Dang and Guillemette (2014)).
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. Nominal Value debt valuation is consistent with Eurostat's definition
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net debt is defined as gross debt minus the asset holdings of currency and deposits, debt securities, and loans.
Primary domestic currency: Swedish krona
Data last updated: 03/2021
177.882 |
318.621 |
511.980 |
2019 |
Switzerland |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2018
Fiscal assumptions: The authorities’ announced discretionary stimulus—as reflected in the fiscal projections for 2020 and 2021—which is permitted within the context of the debt brake rule in the event of “exceptional circumstances”.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;. Other refers to Cantons.
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Primary domestic currency: Swiss franc
Data last updated: 03/2021
141.276 |
158.622 |
178.160 |
2018 |
Syria |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2009
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Primary domestic currency: Syrian pound
Data last updated: 08/2015
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2009 |
Taiwan Province of China |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Data retrieved from CEIC
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: We do not have data on policy lending.
Fiscal assumptions: Projections for 2020-26 are based on the assumptions underlying the IMF staff's medium-term macroeconomic scenario.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. General government gross debt includes non-self redeeming debt maturity >= 1 year.
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: New Taiwan dollar
Data last updated: 03/2021
5,832.536 |
6,285.706 |
6,445.227 |
2019 |
Tajikistan |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Tanzania |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Thailand |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Timor-Leste |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Togo |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Tonga |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Trinidad and Tobago |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019/20
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are predicated on the latest fiscal data available, as well as the current budget and subsequent official measures and supplementary budgets. However, it is modified by, among other influences, the Fund staff’s macroeconomic projections.
Start/end months of reporting year: October/September
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Other;. Central government debt excludes short-term debt issued for open market monetary policy purposes. These instruments were matched by corresponding “frozen” government deposits in the domestic banking system, and cannot be used to finance budgetary operations. Net debt is gross debt minus CG deposits at the Central Bank and Heritage Stabilization Fund assets (about 65% fixed income instruments and 35% equity).
Primary domestic currency: Trinidad and Tobago dollar
Data last updated: 03/2021
-2.387 |
14.147 |
17.195 |
2020 |
Tunisia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Turkey |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020
Notes: Gross debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts payable.
Fiscal assumptions: The basis for the projections in the WEO and Fiscal Monitor is the IMF-defined fiscal balance, which excludes some revenue and expenditure items that are included in the authorities’ headline balance.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;. Other includes Extra-Budgetary Funds, Revolving Funds and Unemployment Fund
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Turkish lira
Data last updated: 03/2021
1,111.660 |
1,628.426 |
2,020.285 |
2020 |
Turkmenistan |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Tuvalu |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Uganda |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Ukraine |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
United Arab Emirates |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
United Kingdom |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: National Statistics Office. Data takes into account statistical revisions (including on student loans accounting) implemented on September 24, 2019, and revisions to historical data released on December 22, 2020.
Latest actual data: 2020
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are based on the latest GDP data published by the Office of National Statistics on 12 February 2021 and forecasts by the Office for Budget Responsibility from 23 November 2020. Revenue projections are adjusted for differences between IMF staff forecasts of macroeconomic variables (such as GDP growth and inflation) and the forecasts of these variables assumed in the authorities' fiscal projections. Projections assume that the measures taken in response to the Coronavirus outbreak expire as announced. It is also assumed there is some additional fiscal consolidation relative to the policies announced to date starting in fiscal year 2023-24 with the goal of stabilizing public debt within five years. IMF staff data exclude public sector banks and the effect of transferring assets from the Royal Mail Pension Plan to the public sector in April 2012. Real government consumption and investment are part of the real GDP path, which, according to the IMF staff, may or may not be the same as projected by the U.K. Office for Budget Responsibility. Data are presented on a calendar year basis.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government;. The concept of "state government" and "social security funds" is not applicable to the UK.
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net debt is defined as total gross financial liabilities less liquid financial assets, where liquid assets are cash and short-term assets, which can be released for cash at short notice without significant loss
Primary domestic currency: Pound sterling
Data last updated: 03/2021
1,670.219 |
1,981.307 |
2,185.015 |
2020 |
United States |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: BEA and IMF's Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (revenue, expenditure, and net lending); Flow of Funds (debt)
Latest actual data: 2019. Repatriation tax on foreign earnings (a provision of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act), estimated at $250 billion, which accrued at end-2017 and recorded as capital transfer to the government in the GFS, was removed from government revenue. Staff's baseline projection embeds the impact of this tax provision over time to reflect the fact that corporations have eight years to pay off this tax liability.
Notes: Revenue, expenditure, and net lending data are is compiled using SNA 2008, and when translated into GFS this is in accordance with GFSM 2014. Due to data limitations, most series begin 2001.
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are based on the September 2020 Congressional Budget Office baseline adjusted for the IMF staff’s policy and macroeconomic assumptions. Projections then incorporate the effects of the American Rescue Plan, Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act. Finally, fiscal projections are adjusted to reflect the IMF staff’s forecasts for key macroeconomic and financial variables and different accounting treatment of financial sector support and of defined-benefit pension plans and are converted to a general government basis. Data is compiled using SNA 2008, and when translated into GFS this is in accordance with GFSM 2014. Due to data limitations, most series begin 2001.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Insurance Technical Reserves; Financial Derivatives; Monetary Gold and SDRs
Primary domestic currency: U.S. dollar
Data last updated: 03/2021
17,790.802 |
21,596.591 |
24,719.499 |
2019 |
Uruguay |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2020
Notes: Starting from October 2018, the public pension system has been receiving transfers in the context of a new law that compensates persons affected by the creation of the mixed pension system. These funds are recorded as revenues, consistent with IMF’s methodology. Therefore, data and projections for 2018 – 2021 are affected by these transfers, which amounted to 1.2 percent of GDP in 2018 and 1.1 percent of GDP in 2019, and are projected to be 0.6 percent of GDP in 2020, 0.2 percent of GDP in 2021 and zero percent thereafter. Please see IMF country report No. 19/64 for further details. The disclaimer about the public pension system applies only for the revenues and net lending/borrowing series.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. The coverage of the fiscal data was changed from consolidated public sector to nonfinancial public sector (NFPS) with the October 2019 submission. In Uruguay, NFPS coverage includes Central Government, Local Government, Social Security Funds, Nonfinancial Public Corporations, and Banco de Seguros del Estado. Historical data was revised accordingly. Under this narrower fiscal perimeter assets and liabilities held by the NFPS where the counterpart is the central bank are not netted out in debt figures. In this context, capitalization bonds issued in the past by the government to the central bank are now part of the NFPS debt. Gross and net debt estimates for the period 2008-2011 are preliminary.
Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Financial Derivatives; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other
Primary domestic currency: Uruguayan peso
Data last updated: 03/2021
1,105.009 |
1,267.684 |
1,419.639 |
2020 |
Uzbekistan |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Vanuatu |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Venezuela |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Vietnam |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
West Bank and Gaza |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Yemen |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Notes: Yemeni government to have extensive financial assets, and the only assets being included are currency and deposits.
Fiscal assumptions: Hydrocarbon revenue projection are based at WEO assumptions for oil and gas prices and authorities projections of production of oil and gas. Non-hydrocarbon revenues largely reflect authorities projection, as well as most of the expenditure categories with exception of fuel subsidies which are projected based at WEO price consistent with revenues. Monetary projection are based on key macroeconomic assumptions on growth rate of broad money, credit to private sector, deposit growth.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Primary domestic currency: Yemeni rial
Data last updated: 03/2021
9,560.449 |
12,323.219 |
14,280.152 |
2019 |
Zambia |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: Zambian kwacha
Data last updated: 02/2021
276.872 |
392.948 |
508.383 |
2019 |
Zimbabwe |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |