The downloads are presented in Tab Delimited Values format which is compatible with most statistical packages and Excel. Shaded blue cells indicate IMF staff estimates. Please scroll through table to see full content.
Country | Subject Descriptor | Units | Scale | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
Slovak Republic | Gross domestic product per capita, current prices | National currency | Units | 16,416.430 | 17,228.119 | 16,774.923 | 17,903.803 | 19,314.168 | 20,524.916 | 21,634.070 | 22,722.573 |
Slovak Republic | Gross domestic product per capita, current prices | U.S. dollars | Units | 19,395.849 | 19,288.568 | 19,144.915 | 21,383.286 | 23,323.326 | 25,146.375 | 26,830.336 | 28,486.599 |
Slovak Republic | Gross domestic product per capita, current prices | Purchasing power parity; international dollars | Units | 32,764.742 | 34,142.702 | 32,866.409 | 35,547.480 | 38,375.002 | 40,937.913 | 43,243.350 | 45,493.427 |
Slovak Republic | Inflation, average consumer prices | Index | 103.463 | 106.324 | 108.462 | 111.025 | 114.335 | 116.771 | 119.096 | 121.467 | |
Slovak Republic | Volume of imports of goods and services | Percent change | 4.095 | 2.085 | -8.504 | 13.605 | 6.115 | 4.894 | 4.698 | 4.360 | |
Slovak Republic | General government net debt | Percent of GDP | 43.639 | 43.356 | 50.138 | 55.455 | 55.292 | 54.824 | 53.765 | 53.006 | |
Slovak Republic | Current account balance | Percent of GDP | -2.208 | -2.713 | -0.357 | -0.922 | -1.349 | -1.781 | -1.385 | -0.923 |