Direct Investment Task Team (DITT)

The Direct Investment Task Team (DITT) will advise the IMF’s Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPCOM) in the process of revising the BPM6. DITT will provide technical inputs and make recommendations on the methodology of direct investment within the framework of the revision. Given the specificity of this TT, it will also closely coordinate with the OECD Working Group on International Investment Statistics (WGIIS).

DITT will be operational mostly throughout the Phase I of the update process (March 2020–March 2022). However, DITT may also be consulted during Phase II (drafting of the BPM7 chapters) on an as-needed basis, should any significant issues arise during the worldwide consultation process overseen by BPTT.

Further details on the mandate and operations; guidance notes and working procedures; composition; and key issues to be addressed by DITT are provided in the Terms of Reference.

Draft Guidance Notes for Global Consultation

The purpose of this global consultation is to receive feedback from worldwide compilers/users of macroeconomic statistics not involved in the update process, with a view to informing further the proposals to be presented for formal approval to the IMF’s Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPCOM)/Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts (AEG). Each GN will be available for a period of four-weeks for global consultation after its posting on this webpage. Please refer to the BPM6 Update: Compendium of Research Issues for the full list of topics on which GNs will be prepared by the BPM6 Update Task Teams and made available for global consultation.

If you want to provide comments on a GN, please click the accompanying link to access the survey.

D.1 Greenfield Investment and Extension of Capital (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on February 1, 2021)

Draft Guidance Note D.1
D.2 Valuation of Unlisted Equity (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on October 22, 2021)

Draft Guidance Note D.2

Copy of Survey for GN D.2

D.3 Treatment of Collective Investment Institutions (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on February 9, 2021)

Draft Guidance Note D.3

D.4 Corporate Inversions (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on February 9, 2021)

Draft Guidance Note D.4

D.5 Eliminating the Imputations for an Entity Owned or Controlled by General Government (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on June 15, 2021)

Draft Guidance Note D.5

D.6 Ultimate Investing Economy (UIE)/Ultimate Host Economy (UHE) and Pass-through Funds (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on October 19, 2020)

Draft Guidance Note D.6

D.7 Sectoral Breakdown of Direct Investment (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on October 19, 2020)

Draft Guidance Note D.7

D.8 Public-Private Partnership (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on June 15, 2021)

Draft Guidance Note D.8

D.9 Reconciling BPM-Based Direct Investment (DI) and Activities of MNEs (AMNE) Statistics (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on October 19, 2020)

Draft Guidance Note D.9

D.10 Defining the Boundaries of Direct Investment (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on December 22, 2021)
Draft Guidance Note D.10

D.11 Removing Debt Between Affiliated Insurance Corporations and Pension Funds from Direct Investment (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on August 16, 2021)

Draft Guidance Note D.11

D.12 Including Intra-Concern [Between Affiliates] Derivatives in Direct Investment (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on February 1, 2021)

Draft Guidance Note D.12

D.14 Financial Conduits (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on August 16, 2021)

Draft Guidance Note D.14

D.16 Treatment of Retained Earnings (Survey Closes October 25, 2021)

Draft Guidance Note D.16

Copy of Survey for GN D.16

D.17 Identifying Superdividends and Establishing the Borderline Between Dividends and Withdrawal of Equity (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on February 9, 2021)

Draft Guidance Note D.17

D.18 Cash Pooling in Direct Investment (Survey on this Guidance Note closed on August 16, 2021)

Draft Guidance Note D.18