Statement by the IMF Acting Managing Director on Meeting with the Prime Minister of Pakistan

July 21, 2019

David Lipton, Acting Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), issued the following statement today, following his meeting with the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan:

I was pleased to meet Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan today in Washington, DC. We discussed recent economic developments and the implementation of the authority’s economic reform program supported by the IMF. Their program aims to stabilize the economy, strengthen institutions, and thereby put Pakistan on a path of sustainable and balanced growth. I highlighted the need to mobilize domestic tax revenue now and on into the future to provide reliably for needed social and development spending, while placing debt on a firm downward trend.

The IMF, together with other international partners, is working closely with the government of Pakistan to support the implementation of the authorities’ economic reform program.

IMF Communications Department

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