IMF Executive Board Announces Follow Up Work on Institutional Safeguards

December 17, 2021

Washington D.C: In its October 11, 2021 statement , the IMF’s Executive Board noted that it had “confidence in the impartiality and analytical excellence of IMF staff and in the IMF’s robust and effective channels for complaint, dissent, and accountability,” but it would consider “possible additional steps to ensure the strength of institutional safeguards in these areas.”

The Executive Board has established a Steering Group to lead a follow-up review with the objective of helping to ensure the staff, Management, and Executive Board maintain the highest possible standards around internal governance, use of data, and accountability.

The review will be based on an integrated approach, with the Executive Board’s Steering Group working with Management and two Staff Working Groups focused on: internal governance and staff voice; and data and analysis integrity.

As part of this effort, the Board’s Steering Group and the Staff Working Groups will take stock of current procedures and systems in place, assess their effectiveness, and recommend improvements as needed to ensure that arrangements reflect best practices.

The aim is to present the review by the 2022 Spring Meetings.

IMF Communications Department

PRESS OFFICER: Raphael Anspach

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