IMF Publications by Subject
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Greenhouse gas emissions:
Title: Canada’s Carbon Price Floor
Series: Working Paper No. 2018/042
Date: March 8, 2018
Subject: Carbon tax Environment Expenditure Fuel prices Fuel tax Greenhouse gas emissions Non-renewable resources Public expenditure review Taxes
Title: Welfare vs. Income Convergence and Environmental Externalities
Series: Working Paper No. 2017/271
Date: December 7, 2017
Subject: Consumption Environment Greenhouse gas emissions Health Income Income inequality National accounts
Title: Emissions and Growth: Trends and Cycles in a Globalized World
Series: Working Paper No. 2017/191
Date: August 30, 2017
Subject: Business cycles Economic growth Environment Exports Greenhouse gas emissions Imports Income International trade National accounts
Title: Reforming Energy Policy in India: Assessing the Options
Series: Working Paper No. 2017/103
Date: May 3, 2017
Subject: Carbon tax Environment Fuel prices Greenhouse gas emissions Non-renewable resources Prices Taxes
Title: Gone with the Wind: Estimating Hurricane and Climate Change Costs in the Caribbean
Series: Working Paper No. 2016/199
Date: October 14, 2016
Subject: Climate change Environment Greenhouse gas emissions Natural disasters Renewable energy
Title: Investing to Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Change: A Framework Model
Series: Working Paper No. 2016/164
Date: August 5, 2016
Subject: Climate change Climate policy Environment Greenhouse gas emissions Non-renewable resources Revenue administration
Title: Climate Mitigation in China: Which Policies Are Most Effective?
Series: Working Paper No. 2016/148
Date: July 25, 2016
Subject: Carbon tax Consumption Environment Fuel prices Greenhouse gas emissions National accounts Non-renewable resources Prices Taxes
Title: After Paris: Fiscal, Macroeconomic and Financial Implications of Global Climate Change
Series: Staff Discussion Notes No. 2016/001
Date: January 11, 2016
Subject: Carbon tax Climate change Climate finance Environment Greenhouse gas emissions Natural disasters Taxes
Title: The Managing Director’s Statement on the Role of the Fund in Addressing Climate Change
Series: Policy Papers
Date: November 25, 2015
Subject: Climatic changes Energy prices Energy taxes Fiscal policy Fund role Greenhouse gas emissions Taxation
Title: Implementing a US Carbon Tax: Challenges and Debates
Series: Books
Date: March 1, 2015
Subject: Carbon tax Corporate income tax Corporate taxes Environment Greenhouse gas emissions National accounts Personal income Taxes