Era Dabla-Norris
Last Updated: May 27, 2021

Era Dabla-Norris is the Mission Chief to Vietnam and Division Chief in the IMF's Asia and Pacific Department. Prior to this she was a Division Chief in the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department where she led the work on tax compliance and productivity using administrative data. Since joining the IMF she has worked on a range of advanced, emerging market, and low-income countries and published widely on a variety of topics, including the economics and political economy of tax policy reforms, climate, growth, productivity, debt, trade, labor, inequality, and gender. Her research has also been profiled regularly in leading global newspapers and magazines such as The Economist, Financial Times, Bloomberg, BBC, and CNN. She is a contributing member of the Global Futures Council of the World Economic Forum.
PhD Economics, University of Texas at Austin
Masters in Economics, Delhi School of Economics
Professional Activities:
Member Global Council, World Economic Forum
Current Position:
Division Chief, Asia and Pacific Department
Field of Expertise:
Poverty and Inequality
Public Finance
Macro-Financial Issues
Development Economics
Open Economy Macroeconomics
Economic Modeling
Public Finance
Poverty and Inequality
Open Economy Macroeconomics
Macro-Financial Issues
Development Economics
IMF Books and Working Papers:
China's Rebalancing and Gender Inequality , IMF Working Paper No. 2021/138 , May 12, 2021
Who Doesn’t Want to be Vaccinated? Determinants of Vaccine Hesitancy During COVID-19 , Working Paper No. 2021/130 , May 06, 2021
What Determines Social Distancing? Evidence from Advanced and Emerging Market Economies , Working Paper No. 2021/123 , May 01, 2021
Fiscal Policies to Address Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific : Opportunities and Challenges , Departmental Paper No. 2021/007 , March 24, 2021
Pandemics and Inequality: Perceptions and Preferences for Redistribution , Working Paper No. 2021/053 , February 26, 2021
Role of Individual Characteristics and Policies in Driving Labor Informality in Vietnam , Working Paper No. 2020/273 , December 11, 2020
Who will Bear the Brunt of Lockdown Policies? Evidence from Tele-workability Measures Across Countries , Working Paper No. 20/88 , June 12, 2020
Political Costs of Tax-Based Consolidations , Working Paper No. 19/298 , December 27, 2019
Productivity and Tax Evasion , Working Paper No. 19/260 , November 27, 2019
Debt and Entanglements Between the Wars , November 08, 2019
Digitalization to Improve Tax Compliance: Evidence from VAT e-Invoicing in Peru , Working Paper No. 19/231 , November 01, 2019
Reducing and Redistributing Unpaid Work: Stronger Policies to Support Gender Equality , Working Paper No. 19/225 , October 15, 2019
Job Polarization and the Declining Fortunes of the Young: Evidence from the United Kingdom , Working Paper No. 19/216 , October 11, 2019
Is Technology Widening the Gender Gap? Automation and the Future of Female Employment , Working Paper No. 19/91 , May 06, 2019
The Future of Saving : The Role of Pension System Design in an Aging World , Staff Discussion Note 19/01 , January 15, 2019
Gender, Technology, and the Future of Work , Staff Discussion Notes No. 18/07 , October 08, 2018
Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Rate and Base Changes: Evidence from Fiscal Consolidations , Working Paper No. 18/220 , September 28, 2018
Size Dependent Policies, Informality and Misallocation , Working Paper No. 18/179 , August 02, 2018
Tax Policy Measures in Advanced and Emerging Economies: A Novel Database , Working Paper No. 18/110 , May 11, 2018
Fiscal Spillovers in the Euro Area: Letting the Data Speak , Working Paper No. 17/241 , November 15, 2017
Tax Administration and Firm Performance : New Data and Evidence for Emerging Market and Developing Economies , Working Paper No. 17/95 , April 14, 2017
Structural Reforms and Productivity Growth in Emerging Market and Developing Economies , Working Paper No. 16/15 , February 09, 2016
Financial Inclusion : Zooming in on Latin America , Working Paper No. 15/206 , September 28, 2015
Household Financial Access and Risk Sharing in Nigeria , Working Paper No. 15/169 , July 22, 2015
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality : A Global Perspective , Staff Discussion Notes No. 15/13 , June 15, 2015
The New Normal: A Sector-level Perspective on Productivity Trends in Advanced Economies , Staff Discussion Notes No. 15/3 , March 18, 2015
Identifying Constraints to Financial Inclusion and Their Impact on GDP and Inequality: A Structural Framework for Policy , Working Paper No. 15/22 , January 27, 2015
Credit Booms and Macroeconomic Dynamics: Stylized Facts and Lessons for Low-Income Countries , Working Paper No. 15/11 , January 22, 2015
National Income and Its Distribution , Working Paper No. 14/101 , June 11, 2014
Anchoring Growth: The Importance of Productivity-Enhancing Reforms in Emerging Market and Developing Economies , Staff Discussion Notes No. 13/8 , December 11, 2013
Benchmarking Structural Transformation Across the World , Working Paper No. 13/176 , July 31, 2013
Too Cold, Too Hot, or Just Right? Assessing Financial Sector Development Across the Globe , Working Paper No. 13/81 , March 28, 2013
Assessing Reserve Adequacy in Low-Income Countries , March 08, 2013
Revisiting the Link Between Finance and Macroeconomic Volatility , Working Paper No. 13/29 , January 30, 2013
Exogenous Shocks and Growth Crises in Low-Income Countries : A Vulnerability Index , Working Paper No. 12/264 , November 02, 2012
Spillovers to Low-Income Countries : Importance of Systemic Emerging Markets , Working Paper No. 12/49 , February 01, 2012
Optimal Precautionary Reserves for Low-Income Countries : A Cost-Benefit Analysis , Working Paper No. 11/249 , October 01, 2011
Investing in Public Investment : An Index of Public Investment Efficiency , Working Paper No. 11/37 , February 01, 2011
Business Cycle Fluctuations, Large Shocks, and Development Aid: New Evidence , Working Paper No. 10/240 , October 01, 2010
FDI Flows to Low-Income Countries: Global Drivers and Growth Implications , Working Paper No. 10/132 , June 01, 2010
Budget Institutions and Fiscal Performance in Low-Income Countries , Working Paper No. 10/80 , March 01, 2010
Firm Productivity, Innovation and Financial Development , Working Paper No. 10/49 , February 01, 2010
The Quality of Public Investment , Working Paper No. 09/154 , July 01, 2009
A New Keynesian Model of the Armenian Economy , Working Paper No. 09/66 , March 01, 2009
Informality and Bank Credit: Evidence from Firm-Level Data , Working Paper No. 08/94 , April 01, 2008
Modalities of Moving to Inflation Targeting in Armenia and Georgia , Working Paper No. 07/133 , June 01, 2007
Bank Efficiency and Market Structure: What Determines Banking Spreads in Armenia? , Working Paper No. 07/134 , June 01, 2007
Informality and Regulations: What Drives Firm Growth? , Working Paper No. 07/112 , May 01, 2007
Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy in Armenia: Evidence from VAR Analysis , Working Paper No. 06/248 , November 01, 2006
What Transparency Can Do When Incentives Fail: An Analysis of Rent Capture , Working Paper No. 06/146 , June 01, 2006
What Causes Firms to Hide Output? The Determinants of Informality , Working Paper No. 05/160 , August 01, 2005
Rent Seeking , Working Paper No. 05/43 , March 01, 2005
Issues in Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in China , Working Paper No. 05/30 , February 01, 2005
The Distributional Bias of Public Education: Causes and Consequences , Working Paper No. 04/214 , November 01, 2004
An Analysis of the Underground Economy and Its Macroeconomic Consequences , Working Paper No. 03/23 , January 01, 2003
The Challenge of Fiscal Decentralization in Transition Countries , Working Paper No. 02/103 , June 01, 2002
Composition of Government Expenditures and Demand for Education in Developing Countries , Working Paper No. 02/78 , May 01, 2002
Regional Disparities and Transfer Policies in Russia: Theory and Evidence , Working Paper No. 01/199 , December 01, 2001
Rent Seeking and Endogenous Income Inequality , Working Paper No. 01/15 , February 01, 2001
A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Corruption in Bureaucracies , Working Paper No. 00/106 , June 01, 2000
The Enforcement of Property Rights and Underdevelopment , Working Paper No. 99/127 , September 01, 1999
IMF Country Reports
Vietnam : 2020 Article IV Consultation
IMF Occasional Papers, Pamphlets, and Special Issues Papers
“Assessing Reserve Adequacy in Low-Income Countries” (with V. Crispolti, K. Shirono, J. Kim, and G. Tsibouris) IMF Occasional Paper, March 2013.
IMF Survey Articles
Vietnam: Successfully Navigating the Pandemic
Vietnam's Success in Containing COVID-19 Offers Roadmap for Other Developing Countries
iMFdirect Blog Posts
Together Again: Physical Distancing on the Decline
Teleworking is not working for the poor, the young, and women
A new deal for informal workers in Asia
How Much Should You Save for Retirement
Women, technology, and the future of work
The Case for Fiscal Policy to Support Structural Reforms
How Lowering Trade Barriers Can Revive Global Productivity and Growth
What Advanced Economies Can Do to Rise Above the “New Mediocre”
A Big Step Forward for Bolstering Financial Inclusion
Why Education Policies Matter for Equality
The Time is Nigh: How Reforms Can Bring Back Productivity Growth in Emerging Markets
F&D articles
"Closing the Gender Gap," (with K. Kochhar), Finance & Development, March 2019, Vol. 56, No. 1. ?
Other Published Materials
“Who Bears the Brunt of Lockdown Policies: Evidence from Teleworkability Measures Across Countries.” (with M. Brussevich, and S. Khalid), IMF Working Paper, July 2020.
Publications in Journals (Refereed)
“Who Doesn’t Want to be Vaccinated? Determinants of Vaccine Hesitancy During COVID-19” (with F. Lima, A. Sollaci, and H. Khan), Covid Economics, May 2021.
“Who Bears the Brunt of Lockdown Policies: Evidence from Teleworkability Measures Across Countries.” (with M. Brussevich, and S. Khalid), Revise and Resubmit, IMF Economic Review.
“Digitalization, Tax Compliance and Revenue Mobilization: VAT e-invoicing in Peru” (with M. Bellon, S. Khalid, F. Lima), Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Public Economics
“Distinguishing Constraints on Financial Inclusion and Their Impact on GDP and Inequality” (with R. Townsend, Y. Ji, and F. Unsal) Journal of Monetary Economics, Jan 2020.
“Job Polarization and Declining Fortunes of the Young: Evidence from the UK” (with C. Pizzinelli, and J. Rappaport), Revise and Resumbit, Labor Economics.
“Tax Administration and Firm Performance: New Data and Evidence for Emerging Market and Developing Economies” (with F. Misch, M. Khwaja, D. Cleary), International Tax and Public Finance, Fall 2019.
“Re-Assessing the Productivity Gains from Trade Liberalization” (with R. Duval, J. Ahn, L. Nijye, and B. Hu) Review of International Economics, February 2019.
“The Rise of the Middle Class and Economic Growth in ASEAN” (with M. Bruekner, M. Gradstein, D. Leiderman), Journal of Asian Economics, June 2018.
“Spillovers to Low-Income Countries: Importance of Systemic Emerging Markets” (with R. Espinoza and S. Jahan) Applied Economics, July 2015.
“India: In Search of the Drivers of the Next Wave of Growth” (with K. Kochhar) India Review, March 2015.
“Inequality and its Distribution,” (with M. Gradstein and M. Bruekner), Journal of Economic Growth, March 2015.
“Exogenous Shocks and Growth Crises: A Vulnerability Index” (with Y. Bal Gunduz) World Development, June 2014.
“Business Cycle Fluctuations, Large Shocks, and Development Aid: New Evidence” (with C. Minoiu, F. Zanna) World Development, June 2013.
“Firm Productivity, Innovation and Financial Development” (with E. Kersting and G. Verdier) Southern Economic Journal, October 2012.
“Investing in Public Investment: An Index of Public Investment Efficiency” Journal of Economic Growth, September 2012.
“The Quality of Public Investment” (with S. Chakraborty) The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, March 2011.
“Informality and Regulations: What Drives Firm Growth?” (with G. Inchauste) IMF Staff Papers, April 2008.
“What Causes Firms Hide Output? Determinants of Informality” (with M. Gradstein and G. Inchauste) Journal of Development Economics, February 2008.
“Rent Seeking” (with S. Chakraborty) IMF Staff Papers, April 2006.
“The Challenge of Fiscal Decentralization in Transition Countries” Comparative Economic Studies, March 2006.
“An Analysis of the Underground Economy and its Macroeconomic Consequences” (with A. Feltenstein) Journal of Policy Reform, August 2005.
“The Enforcement of Property Rights and Underdevelopment” (with S. Freeman) Journal of Development Economics, August 2004.
Publications in Books and Conference Volumes
"How can Advanced Economies Overcome the New Mediocre" (with M. Kim and A. Zdzienicka), Intereconomics, October 2015.
“Financial Deepening in Frontier and Emerging Asia” (with Y. Ojima, and M. Arena) in A. Schipke (ed.) Frontier and Developing Asia: The Next Generation of Emerging Markets, (IMF, 2015).
“Debt Relief, Demand for Education, and Poverty” (with J. Matovu and P. Wade) in T. Addison, H. Hansen, and F. Tarp (eds), Debt Relief for Poor Countries, (Palgrave McMillan, 2004)
“Regional Disparities and Transfer Policies in Russia: Theory and Evidence” (with S. Weber) in M. Cuddy and R. Gekker (ed.), Institutional Change in Transition Economies, (Ashgate, 2002),
Other Published Materials
"Roads to nowhere or bridges to growth: What do we know about public investment efficiency in developing countries?" (with J. Brumby, A. Kyobe, Zac Mills, C. Papageorgiou), VoxEU blog, July 2011.

Era Dabla-Norris is the Mission Chief to Vietnam and Division Chief in the IMF's Asia and Pacific Department. Prior to this she was a Division Chief in the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department where she led the work on tax compliance and productivity using administrative data. Since joining the IMF she has worked on a range of advanced, emerging market, and low-income countries and published widely on a variety of topics, including the economics and political economy of tax policy reforms, climate, growth, productivity, debt, trade, labor, inequality, and gender. Her research has also been profiled regularly in leading global newspapers and magazines such as The Economist, Financial Times, Bloomberg, BBC, and CNN. She is a contributing member of the Global Futures Council of the World Economic Forum.
PhD Economics, University of Texas at Austin
Masters in Economics, Delhi School of Economics
Professional Activities:
Member Global Council, World Economic Forum
Current Position:
Division Chief, Asia and Pacific Department
Field of Expertise:
Poverty and Inequality
Public Finance
Macro-Financial Issues
Development Economics
Open Economy Macroeconomics
Economic Modeling
Public Finance
Poverty and Inequality
Open Economy Macroeconomics
Macro-Financial Issues
Development Economics
IMF Books and Working Papers:
China's Rebalancing and Gender Inequality , IMF Working Paper No. 2021/138 , May 12, 2021
Who Doesn’t Want to be Vaccinated? Determinants of Vaccine Hesitancy During COVID-19 , Working Paper No. 2021/130 , May 06, 2021
What Determines Social Distancing? Evidence from Advanced and Emerging Market Economies , Working Paper No. 2021/123 , May 01, 2021
Fiscal Policies to Address Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific : Opportunities and Challenges , Departmental Paper No. 2021/007 , March 24, 2021
Pandemics and Inequality: Perceptions and Preferences for Redistribution , Working Paper No. 2021/053 , February 26, 2021
Role of Individual Characteristics and Policies in Driving Labor Informality in Vietnam , Working Paper No. 2020/273 , December 11, 2020
Who will Bear the Brunt of Lockdown Policies? Evidence from Tele-workability Measures Across Countries , Working Paper No. 20/88 , June 12, 2020
Political Costs of Tax-Based Consolidations , Working Paper No. 19/298 , December 27, 2019
Productivity and Tax Evasion , Working Paper No. 19/260 , November 27, 2019
Debt and Entanglements Between the Wars , November 08, 2019
Digitalization to Improve Tax Compliance: Evidence from VAT e-Invoicing in Peru , Working Paper No. 19/231 , November 01, 2019
Reducing and Redistributing Unpaid Work: Stronger Policies to Support Gender Equality , Working Paper No. 19/225 , October 15, 2019
Job Polarization and the Declining Fortunes of the Young: Evidence from the United Kingdom , Working Paper No. 19/216 , October 11, 2019
Is Technology Widening the Gender Gap? Automation and the Future of Female Employment , Working Paper No. 19/91 , May 06, 2019
The Future of Saving : The Role of Pension System Design in an Aging World , Staff Discussion Note 19/01 , January 15, 2019
Gender, Technology, and the Future of Work , Staff Discussion Notes No. 18/07 , October 08, 2018
Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Rate and Base Changes: Evidence from Fiscal Consolidations , Working Paper No. 18/220 , September 28, 2018
Size Dependent Policies, Informality and Misallocation , Working Paper No. 18/179 , August 02, 2018
Tax Policy Measures in Advanced and Emerging Economies: A Novel Database , Working Paper No. 18/110 , May 11, 2018
Fiscal Spillovers in the Euro Area: Letting the Data Speak , Working Paper No. 17/241 , November 15, 2017
Tax Administration and Firm Performance : New Data and Evidence for Emerging Market and Developing Economies , Working Paper No. 17/95 , April 14, 2017
Structural Reforms and Productivity Growth in Emerging Market and Developing Economies , Working Paper No. 16/15 , February 09, 2016
Financial Inclusion : Zooming in on Latin America , Working Paper No. 15/206 , September 28, 2015
Household Financial Access and Risk Sharing in Nigeria , Working Paper No. 15/169 , July 22, 2015
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality : A Global Perspective , Staff Discussion Notes No. 15/13 , June 15, 2015
The New Normal: A Sector-level Perspective on Productivity Trends in Advanced Economies , Staff Discussion Notes No. 15/3 , March 18, 2015
Identifying Constraints to Financial Inclusion and Their Impact on GDP and Inequality: A Structural Framework for Policy , Working Paper No. 15/22 , January 27, 2015
Credit Booms and Macroeconomic Dynamics: Stylized Facts and Lessons for Low-Income Countries , Working Paper No. 15/11 , January 22, 2015
National Income and Its Distribution , Working Paper No. 14/101 , June 11, 2014
Anchoring Growth: The Importance of Productivity-Enhancing Reforms in Emerging Market and Developing Economies , Staff Discussion Notes No. 13/8 , December 11, 2013
Benchmarking Structural Transformation Across the World , Working Paper No. 13/176 , July 31, 2013
Too Cold, Too Hot, or Just Right? Assessing Financial Sector Development Across the Globe , Working Paper No. 13/81 , March 28, 2013
Assessing Reserve Adequacy in Low-Income Countries , March 08, 2013
Revisiting the Link Between Finance and Macroeconomic Volatility , Working Paper No. 13/29 , January 30, 2013
Exogenous Shocks and Growth Crises in Low-Income Countries : A Vulnerability Index , Working Paper No. 12/264 , November 02, 2012
Spillovers to Low-Income Countries : Importance of Systemic Emerging Markets , Working Paper No. 12/49 , February 01, 2012
Optimal Precautionary Reserves for Low-Income Countries : A Cost-Benefit Analysis , Working Paper No. 11/249 , October 01, 2011
Investing in Public Investment : An Index of Public Investment Efficiency , Working Paper No. 11/37 , February 01, 2011
Business Cycle Fluctuations, Large Shocks, and Development Aid: New Evidence , Working Paper No. 10/240 , October 01, 2010
FDI Flows to Low-Income Countries: Global Drivers and Growth Implications , Working Paper No. 10/132 , June 01, 2010
Budget Institutions and Fiscal Performance in Low-Income Countries , Working Paper No. 10/80 , March 01, 2010
Firm Productivity, Innovation and Financial Development , Working Paper No. 10/49 , February 01, 2010
The Quality of Public Investment , Working Paper No. 09/154 , July 01, 2009
A New Keynesian Model of the Armenian Economy , Working Paper No. 09/66 , March 01, 2009
Informality and Bank Credit: Evidence from Firm-Level Data , Working Paper No. 08/94 , April 01, 2008
Modalities of Moving to Inflation Targeting in Armenia and Georgia , Working Paper No. 07/133 , June 01, 2007
Bank Efficiency and Market Structure: What Determines Banking Spreads in Armenia? , Working Paper No. 07/134 , June 01, 2007
Informality and Regulations: What Drives Firm Growth? , Working Paper No. 07/112 , May 01, 2007
Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy in Armenia: Evidence from VAR Analysis , Working Paper No. 06/248 , November 01, 2006
What Transparency Can Do When Incentives Fail: An Analysis of Rent Capture , Working Paper No. 06/146 , June 01, 2006
What Causes Firms to Hide Output? The Determinants of Informality , Working Paper No. 05/160 , August 01, 2005
Rent Seeking , Working Paper No. 05/43 , March 01, 2005
Issues in Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in China , Working Paper No. 05/30 , February 01, 2005
The Distributional Bias of Public Education: Causes and Consequences , Working Paper No. 04/214 , November 01, 2004
An Analysis of the Underground Economy and Its Macroeconomic Consequences , Working Paper No. 03/23 , January 01, 2003
The Challenge of Fiscal Decentralization in Transition Countries , Working Paper No. 02/103 , June 01, 2002
Composition of Government Expenditures and Demand for Education in Developing Countries , Working Paper No. 02/78 , May 01, 2002
Regional Disparities and Transfer Policies in Russia: Theory and Evidence , Working Paper No. 01/199 , December 01, 2001
Rent Seeking and Endogenous Income Inequality , Working Paper No. 01/15 , February 01, 2001
A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Corruption in Bureaucracies , Working Paper No. 00/106 , June 01, 2000
The Enforcement of Property Rights and Underdevelopment , Working Paper No. 99/127 , September 01, 1999
IMF Country Reports
Vietnam : 2020 Article IV Consultation
IMF Occasional Papers, Pamphlets, and Special Issues Papers
“Assessing Reserve Adequacy in Low-Income Countries” (with V. Crispolti, K. Shirono, J. Kim, and G. Tsibouris) IMF Occasional Paper, March 2013.
IMF Survey Articles
Vietnam: Successfully Navigating the Pandemic
Vietnam's Success in Containing COVID-19 Offers Roadmap for Other Developing Countries
iMFdirect Blog Posts
Together Again: Physical Distancing on the Decline
Teleworking is not working for the poor, the young, and women
A new deal for informal workers in Asia
How Much Should You Save for Retirement
Women, technology, and the future of work
The Case for Fiscal Policy to Support Structural Reforms
How Lowering Trade Barriers Can Revive Global Productivity and Growth
What Advanced Economies Can Do to Rise Above the “New Mediocre”
A Big Step Forward for Bolstering Financial Inclusion
Why Education Policies Matter for Equality
The Time is Nigh: How Reforms Can Bring Back Productivity Growth in Emerging Markets
F&D articles
"Closing the Gender Gap," (with K. Kochhar), Finance & Development, March 2019, Vol. 56, No. 1. ?
Other Published Materials
“Who Bears the Brunt of Lockdown Policies: Evidence from Teleworkability Measures Across Countries.” (with M. Brussevich, and S. Khalid), IMF Working Paper, July 2020.
Publications in Journals (Refereed)
“Who Doesn’t Want to be Vaccinated? Determinants of Vaccine Hesitancy During COVID-19” (with F. Lima, A. Sollaci, and H. Khan), Covid Economics, May 2021.
“Who Bears the Brunt of Lockdown Policies: Evidence from Teleworkability Measures Across Countries.” (with M. Brussevich, and S. Khalid), Revise and Resubmit, IMF Economic Review.
“Digitalization, Tax Compliance and Revenue Mobilization: VAT e-invoicing in Peru” (with M. Bellon, S. Khalid, F. Lima), Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Public Economics
“Distinguishing Constraints on Financial Inclusion and Their Impact on GDP and Inequality” (with R. Townsend, Y. Ji, and F. Unsal) Journal of Monetary Economics, Jan 2020.
“Job Polarization and Declining Fortunes of the Young: Evidence from the UK” (with C. Pizzinelli, and J. Rappaport), Revise and Resumbit, Labor Economics.
“Tax Administration and Firm Performance: New Data and Evidence for Emerging Market and Developing Economies” (with F. Misch, M. Khwaja, D. Cleary), International Tax and Public Finance, Fall 2019.
“Re-Assessing the Productivity Gains from Trade Liberalization” (with R. Duval, J. Ahn, L. Nijye, and B. Hu) Review of International Economics, February 2019.
“The Rise of the Middle Class and Economic Growth in ASEAN” (with M. Bruekner, M. Gradstein, D. Leiderman), Journal of Asian Economics, June 2018.
“Spillovers to Low-Income Countries: Importance of Systemic Emerging Markets” (with R. Espinoza and S. Jahan) Applied Economics, July 2015.
“India: In Search of the Drivers of the Next Wave of Growth” (with K. Kochhar) India Review, March 2015.
“Inequality and its Distribution,” (with M. Gradstein and M. Bruekner), Journal of Economic Growth, March 2015.
“Exogenous Shocks and Growth Crises: A Vulnerability Index” (with Y. Bal Gunduz) World Development, June 2014.
“Business Cycle Fluctuations, Large Shocks, and Development Aid: New Evidence” (with C. Minoiu, F. Zanna) World Development, June 2013.
“Firm Productivity, Innovation and Financial Development” (with E. Kersting and G. Verdier) Southern Economic Journal, October 2012.
“Investing in Public Investment: An Index of Public Investment Efficiency” Journal of Economic Growth, September 2012.
“The Quality of Public Investment” (with S. Chakraborty) The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, March 2011.
“Informality and Regulations: What Drives Firm Growth?” (with G. Inchauste) IMF Staff Papers, April 2008.
“What Causes Firms Hide Output? Determinants of Informality” (with M. Gradstein and G. Inchauste) Journal of Development Economics, February 2008.
“Rent Seeking” (with S. Chakraborty) IMF Staff Papers, April 2006.
“The Challenge of Fiscal Decentralization in Transition Countries” Comparative Economic Studies, March 2006.
“An Analysis of the Underground Economy and its Macroeconomic Consequences” (with A. Feltenstein) Journal of Policy Reform, August 2005.
“The Enforcement of Property Rights and Underdevelopment” (with S. Freeman) Journal of Development Economics, August 2004.
Publications in Books and Conference Volumes
"How can Advanced Economies Overcome the New Mediocre" (with M. Kim and A. Zdzienicka), Intereconomics, October 2015.
“Financial Deepening in Frontier and Emerging Asia” (with Y. Ojima, and M. Arena) in A. Schipke (ed.) Frontier and Developing Asia: The Next Generation of Emerging Markets, (IMF, 2015).
“Debt Relief, Demand for Education, and Poverty” (with J. Matovu and P. Wade) in T. Addison, H. Hansen, and F. Tarp (eds), Debt Relief for Poor Countries, (Palgrave McMillan, 2004)
“Regional Disparities and Transfer Policies in Russia: Theory and Evidence” (with S. Weber) in M. Cuddy and R. Gekker (ed.), Institutional Change in Transition Economies, (Ashgate, 2002),
Other Published Materials
"Roads to nowhere or bridges to growth: What do we know about public investment efficiency in developing countries?" (with J. Brumby, A. Kyobe, Zac Mills, C. Papageorgiou), VoxEU blog, July 2011.