Our Last, Best Chance on Climate
The COP26 meeting in Glasgow may usher in a new era of sustainable development
Five Things to Know about Carbon Pricing
Carbon pricing shows serious promise as a tool in the fight against climate change
Economics Nature’s Way
Good economics demands that we manage Nature better
Fighting Climate Change with Innovation
Innovation has brought us to an inflection point; the coming decade will be decisive
Climate Cooperation
Working with its members, the IMF is managing the risks and opportunities of climate change
Chimpanzee Politics and Climate Change
The animal kingdom can teach us important lessons about ourselves and increase cooperation to fight climate change
The Golden Opportunity
Humanity cannot pass up the golden opportunity of a green, inclusive, and resilient recovery
Advancing Gender Equality through Climate Action
Women and girls are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change and pay a higher price

Clean and Green Finance
A new sustainable financial system can secure a net zero future for the world
Building Back Better
Finland and Dominica pursue innovative ways of coping with climate change
Linking Climate and Inequality
Policies aimed at slowing warming could be better designed to reduce inequality
Editor's Letter
The Climate Issue
This special issue of F&D on climate, in partnership with COP26, brings together a diverse range of voices from academics, policymakers, the private sector, and youth activists.
In the Trenches

No Higher Ground
No Higher Ground For Maldives Environment Minister Aminath Shauna, fighting climate change is an existential battle
Picture This
Net Zero by 2050
The IEA outlines a path to decarbonize the energy sector in three decades