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About the Data for Decisions (D4D) Fund


The global economic policy dialogue has recognized the growing need of policymakers for quality data to formulate prudent macroeconomic and structural policies, monitor their implementation, identify looming economic risks, and create the conditions for strong and equitable growth. The 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) officially commit countries and the international community to modernize national statistical systems to monitor progress in meeting development objectives.  

This is the context in which the IMF has launched the Data for Decisions (D4D) Fund, with the overall goal of putting more and better data in the hands of decision-makers, thereby enhancing evidence-based macroeconomic policies and supporting the achievement of the SDGs. The D4D Fund will also foster accountability and transparency and be conducive to private sector decision-making. The D4D Fund innovates on the IMF’s existing capacity development expertise through a dynamic modular approach this will allow the IMF, in close collaboration with partners, to flexibly react to country demands as well as changing priorities in the global policy dialogue. The work under the D4D Fund is also fully embedded in the Overarching Strategy for Data and Statistics at the IMF in the Digital Age.

Each module focuses on strategic objectives (see Figure).

M1: Addressing Data Needs and Quality Concerns

  • Help countries compile and disseminate data in three topical domains (real, external and government finance sectors) to support policy analysis and formulation and detect economic risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Bring more and better data into the public domain, thus enhancing transparency and accountability.
  • Offer technical advice on enhancing source data and promoting higher-frequency data.
  • M2: Financial Access Survey (FAS)

  • Provide policymakers and analysts with high-quality statistics in this unique financial inclusion database covering 189 economies.
  • Improve and expand FAS to new areas, such as new access points, gender-disaggregated statistics, and costs of financial access.
  • Provide monitoring basis for SDG financial inclusion indicator.
  • M3: Online Learning

  • Develop a new structured online learning curriculum to exponentially enhance reach of statistics training in eight fundamental statistical topical areas.
  • Offer online learning in up to six languages to allow truly global delivery.
  • M4: Statistical Information Management

  • Develop advice to help statistical offices, central banks, and ministries to streamline, standardize, and automate their data management practices and infrastructure.
  • Enhance countries’ ability to compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics.

    The multi-partner initiative is based on donor contributions of US $33 million over the course of five years (FY2019-2023) and mainly targets low and lower middle-income countries, including fragile states. Complementarity with the IMF’s own resources, existing bilateral projects, and the Regional Technical Assistance Centers make the D4D Fund a much-needed answer to the changing challenges of today and the medium-term future.  The D4D Fund was launched on June 22, 2018 in Bern (Switzerland).   


    The Steering Committee currently consists of Luxembourg, Switzerland, the European Commission, the Netherlands, South Korea, China, Germany, and Japan. The body has been established to provide strategic guidance and assist in setting the priorities, endorsing the work plan -and its updating- of the D4D Fund. The inaugural meeting of the Steering Committee took place in June 2018 in Bern, and the second meeting in January 2019 in Luxembourg.

    Work Plan

    The modular approach offers flexibility to adapt to newly emerging issues, ensuring that resources are reallocated between countries and work streams more efficiently. Allowing for different paces in implementation across the four modules, the following work plan has been endorsed by the Steering Committee until July 2020.

     D4D Synoptic