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Financial Sector Policies

Virtual : Regulation and Supervision of Issuers


Session No.: CT 21.05V

Location: Shenzhen, China

Date: April 12-16, 2021 (1 week)

Delivery Method: Virtual Training

Primary Language: English

Interpretation Language: Chinese

    Target Audience

    Staff regularly dealing with regulatory or supervisory aspects of issuers and listed companies and with certain experience in that field.

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    Degree in finance, law or economics. Participants will be expected to have work experience in the topic of the course and will be expected to briefly present on recent changes in requirements implemented or being considered by the regulatory authority in relation to each of the topics for discussion. Also, the case studies will require participation of attendees to solve and discuss with the workshop leaders.

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    Course Description

    This course will discuss the different modalities of regulation and supervision of issuers and listed companies, including the scope of regulation and different supervisory approaches, providing examples from different jurisdictions. The course will be a mix of presentations and case studies for discussion of the different elements of the workshop.

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    Course Objectives

    Understanding the different modalities of regulation and supervision of issuers and listed companies and discussing particular risks and challenges of different approaches.

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    Apply Now - Application deadline approaching:

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