High-Level Summary Technical Assistance Reports
The High-Level Summary Technical Assistance Report series provides high-level summaries of the assistance provided to IMF capacity development recipients, describing the high-level objectives, findings, and recommendations.
December 27, 2024
Honduras: Public Investment Management Assessment – PIMA and Climate PIMA
Description: An IMF team conducted a Public Investment Management Assessment including the module on climate change in Honduras. It identified strengths related to the recent reforms in the National Public Investment System of Honduras (SNIPH), but also several weaknesses along the investment cycle that affect its efficiency, and its capacity to respond to climate change related challenges. The mission team identified six high-priority recommendations to improve public investment management, including from a climate change perspective.
December 27, 2024
Mongolia: Ministry of Finance Macroeconomic Framework Technical Assistance: Scoping Mission Report
Description: Further to Mongolia's Ministry of Finance (MOF) request, an assessment mission was carried out from May 24 to June 2, 2023. The mission reviewed the needs, capacity and constraints for the development of institutional macroeconomic forecasting capacity at the Financial and Fiscal Research Department (FFRD). Notably, despite FFRD's ambitious goals in fiscal policymaking, a comprehensive macroeconomic framework for analysis, forecasting, and assessing fiscal policy's macroeconomic impact is not yet in place. The action plan and logical framework is centered around capacity development and customization of the Comprehensive Adaptive Expectations Model (CAEM) to the Mongolia economy. This note summarizes the main findings and action plan agreed on for the project.
December 24, 2024
Paraguay: Public Investment Management Assessment – PIMA and Climate PIMA
Description: An IMF team conducted a Public Investment Management Assessment including the module on Climate Change in Paraguay. The team identified strengths related to the recent reforms in the National Public Investment System (SNIP) and several weaknesses along the investment cycle that affect its efficiency. It identified ten high-priority recommendations that could improve PIM processes.
December 19, 2024
Sierra Leone: Climate Policy Diagnostic
Description: Sierra Leone faces important development challenges. This includes dealing with the impacts of climate change such as rising temperatures, more frequent extreme hot days, and increasingly erratic rainfall patterns, with intensified single-day precipitation events. This is especially important given the country’s strong dependence on agriculture and hydropower. Climate change also requires improved Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and more forward-looking risk assessments. On the mitigation side, competing development needs have led to rapid urbanization and deforestation requiring a more integrated approach to land policy, planning, and forest protection. The country also needs substantial investments in its electricity, water, and waste sectors but private investment is lacking. The mission reviewed the current fiscal policies supporting climate action and provided recommendations to support the long-term climate resilience in Sierra Leone, while aligning with its overall development objectives.
December 17, 2024
Sri Lanka: Debt Management Reform Plan
Description: At the request of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) of Sri Lanka, a joint IMF-World Bank technical assistance (TA) mission team visited Colombo, Sri Lanka during February 20–March 3, 2023 to support the government in designing a Debt Management Reform Plan, with a focus on the reform of the debt management legal and institutional frameworks, public debt transparency, and the management of guarantees and on-lending.
December 13, 2024
Republic of Mozambique: Public Investment Management Assessment – PIMA and Climate PIMA
Description: An IMF team conducted a Public Investment Management Assessment including the module on Climate Change in Mozambique. The team identified strengths related to the recent reforms in the national public investment system and several weaknesses along the investment cycle that affect its efficiency. It identified eight high-priority and more immediate reforms that could improve PIM processes.
December 10, 2024
Islamic Republic of Mauritania: Customs diagnostic and needs assessment mission
Description: The Ministry of Finance has developed the Public Finance Reform Master Plan 2021-2025 (SD-RFP 2021-2025), which aims to set strategic orientations for reforms and operational guidelines for their implementation over a five-year period. The masterplan includes objectives for the General Directorate of Customs (GDC) reform, focusing on revising customs law, enhancing revenue collection, and combating fraud.
November 29, 2024
Tajikistan: Public Investment Management Assessment with the Climate Module
Description: The assistance assessed Tajikistan’s public investment management practices and their climate sensitivity using the Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) with the Climate Module (C-PIMA). Tajikistan was found to perform well in some areas of the PIMA and C-PIMA, but there were gaps in others. In particular, parallel external and internally financed processes present recurring challenges across Tajikistan’s public investment management framework. Implementing a comprehensive framework for portfolio oversight and management that encompasses all investment projects, irrespective of their funding source, would also be especially beneficial.
November 21, 2024
Kiribati: Agricultural Subsidies for Copra: Improving Efficiency and Equity and Balancing Trade-offs
Description: This technical assistance mission assessed Kiribati’s agricultural output price scheme that subsidizes the production of copra (dried coconut). The mission estimates that subsidies in 2023 amounted to 7.8 percent of GDP. The scheme’s technical and allocative inefficiencies, incidence in rural areas, and high fiscal cost, could be mitigated in the short- and medium term, by scaling back the subsidies, replacing them in part with cash transfers and public goods provision in the outer islands, securing fiscal savings in the process, and introducing competitive elements in the copra value chain.
November 20, 2024
India: Review and Evaluation of the Reserve Bank of India’s Stress Test Model Framework
Description: This report provides a brief summary of the purpose and findings of a technical assistance (TA) mission that was intended to review and evaluate the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)’s stress test model suite, which took place in April 2023. The RBI’s model suite was found to be strong and well developed in numerous respects. The most noteworthy recommendations pertain to credit risk, market risk, and macro-financial scenario design. A detailed list of 28 recommendations spanning all areas was left with the RBI. A detailed TA report accompanies this brief summary report.