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Financial Sector Policies

Selected Issues in the Regulation of Fintech (SIFR)

Deadline passed

Session No.: AT 23.34

Location: Ebene, Mauritius

Date: October 30, 2023 - November 3, 2023 (1 week) New dates

Delivery Method: In-person Training

Primary Language: English

Interpretation Language: French Portuguese

    Target Audience

    Mid- to senior-level officials working in the regulation, supervision and oversight, cyber and financial stability departments at the central bank and financial sector supervision and in positions with similar responsibilities.

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    Participants should have experience in regulation/oversight operations and/in one or more of the following areas: payments, cyber, legal, technology, monetary policy, and financial stability.

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    Course Description

    This course is presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department.  The course is designed to be interactive by using a combination of lectures, case studies, and panel discussions. On FinTech, the workshop will focus on global developments in the regulation of fintech, the implications of BigTech in financial services, policy implications of a technology neutral approach to regulation, the growth of Supervisory Technology (SupTech) and the need for public-private collaboration in Regulatory Technology (RegTech). On digital money, the course will focus on the public and private digital money (such as CBDC, stablecoins, and E-money), policy implications, macro-financial effects, and risks.  On cyber, the workshop will explore best mitigation practices, international best practices, three lines of defense, information sharing, incident reporting, testing and coordination. The course will include practical case studies on the regulation of financial technology and self-assessment exercises on key aspects of digital money, providing participants with the opportunity to put learnings into practice through group exercises and presentations.

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    Course Objectives

    Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to explore such challenges, providing an overview of regulation of fintech, including challenges related to digital money and cyber risk.

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    Apply Now - Application deadline approaching:

    IMF offers online training to government officials and the public. Click Learn more to find our current offerings.

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