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f Macroeconomic Management in Resource-Rich Countries

Macroeconomic Management in Resource Rich Countries (MRC)

Deadline passed

Session No.: JV 19.04

Location: Vienna, Austria

Date: February 11-22, 2019 (2 weeks)

Primary Language: English

Interpretation Language: Russian

    Target Audience

    Mid-level to senior officials from central banks, ministries of finance, and other government agencies tasked with design and execution of policies in resource-rich countries (RRCs).
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    Participants are expected to have an advanced degree in economics or equivalent experience and be proficient in the use of Excel.
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    Course Description

    This course, presented by the IMF Institute for Capacity Development, deals with RRC macroeconomic policy issues. The course incorporates lectures, hands-on workshops, debates, case studies, and online warm-up exercises.

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    Course Objectives

    Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to

    • Assess how RRC economic performance may differ from that of other countries in terms, e.g., of growth, inclusive growth, political economy, resource curse, economic diversification, and Dutch disease.
    • Apply simple fiscal benchmarks to determine how much to extract, consume, and save from the sale of natural resources and modalities for savings, such as a sovereign wealth fund.
    • Design an effective fiscal framework and regime.
    • Identify macroeconomic policy responses to commodity price shocks.
    • Assess the extent of transparency in the management of natural resources.
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    Apply Now - Application deadline approaching:

    IMF offers online training to government officials and the public. Click Learn more to find our current offerings.

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    Apply online by September 22, 2024

    Balance Sheet Approach (BSA)

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    Apply online by September 22, 2024

    Cash Management and Treasury Single Account

    English | October 14-18, 2024 | In-person Training | New Delhi, India

    Apply online by September 23, 2024