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Fiscal Policy

Virtual : Effective Cash Management under Fiscal Stress


Session No.: SA 21.34V

Location: New Delhi, India

Date: August 2-6, 2021 (1 week)

Delivery Method: Virtual Training

Primary Language: English

    Target Audience

    Mid to senior level officials from SARTTAC and CDOT member countries in Finance Ministries/Departments and Central Banks with relevant experience in budgeting, treasury, cash and/or debt management.

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    Priority will be given to officials engaged with budgeting, treasury, cash or debt management functions at the central or state government level.

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    Course Description

    This one-week workshop on Effective Cash Management under Fiscal Stress, offered jointly by the South Asia Regional Training and Technical Assistance Center (SARTTAC) and the IMF Capacity Development Office in Thailand (CDOT), is designed to identify bottlenecks in developing the government cash management function, share international developments and good practice, and discuss their relevance for South and South East Asian countries.  Governments are increasingly being asked to do more with less, constrained as they are with decreasing and uncertain revenues and increasing expenditure to respond to COVID-19 related spending. This workshop will help participants to understand how a multi-pronged approach to cash management can help governments to ensure availability of adequate liquidity to meet government's payment obligations.

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    Course Objectives

    The overall objective is to facilitate cash managers to develop an understanding of the challenges to effective cash management, possible ways to calibrate the likely impact of the COVID crisis on the government's cash position and guide short-term financing decisions, including the determination of an appropriate level of the cash buffer. It will expose participants to the main pillars of modern cash management and help them to:

    a. Forecast the government's cash flows and its cash balance position;
    b. Analyze the impact of the crisis on the government's cash operations;
    c. Identify measures that countries could take to strengthen their cash balance management practices.

    Participants will understand issues related to banking arrangements, cash flow forecasting, cash balance management and coordination of cash and debt management functions. Case studies and country presentations will be used as group exercises for practical application of concepts and learning.

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    IMF offers online training to government officials and the public. Click Learn more to find our current offerings.

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