Primary Commodity Prices
Data on Primary Commodity Prices are updated monthly based on the IMF’s Primary Commodity Price System.
Updated: September 6, 2024
Indices and Market Prices
Commodity Data Portal
Use the Commodity Data Portal to visualize and chart the prices of 68 commodities from four commodity asset classes: energy, agriculture, fertilizers, and metals.
Share, export, and download data using the interactive portal.
Commodity Terms of Trade
The database includes a set of country-specific commodity-price based indices for 182 economies from 1962.
For each country, the change in the international price of up to 45 individual commodities is weighted using commodity-level trade data.
Special Feature
The Commodity Special Feature is part of the World Economic Outlook publication and covers commodity market developments and outlook, and analyzes a special issue.
Recent Issues
- April 2024: Market Developments and the Power of Prices
- October 2023: Market Developments and the Commodity Price Channel of Monetary Policy
- April 2023: Market Developments and the Macroeconomic Impact of Declines in Fossil Fuel Extraction
- October 2022: Market Developments and Food Price Inflation Drivers
- October 2022: Annex of Food Price inflation Drivers
- April 2022: Market Developments and the Pace of Fossil Fuel Divestment
- October 2021: Clean Energy Transition and Metals: Blessing or Bottleneck
- April 2021: Food Security: Unintended Consequence of the Pandemic?
- October 2020: Coal Phaseout
- April 2020: Commodity Market Developments and Forecasts
- October 2019: Precious Metals
- April 2019: Commodity Market Developments and Economic Activity
Related Links
Find the latest blogs by the Commodities Unit and other useful links related to commodities.
- IMF Research on Commodities
- The impact of climate policy on oil and gas investment: Evidence from firm-level data
- Working Paper: The Power of Prices: How Fast Do Commodity Markets Adjust to Shocks?
- Working Paper: Monetary Policy Transmission through Commodity Prices
- Blog: Global Food Prices to Remain Elevated Amid War, Costly Energy, La Niña
- Blog: War-Fueled Surge in Food Prices to Hit Poorer Nations Hardest
- Market Size and Supply Disruptions: Sharing the Pain of a Potential Russian Gas Shut-off to the European Union
- Blog: How a Russian Natural Gas Cutoff Could Weigh on Europe’s Economies
- Working Paper: Energy Transition Metals
- Working Paper: Income Versus Prices: How Does The Business Cycle Affect Food (In)-Security?
- Blog: Four Factors Behind the Metals Price Rally
- Blog: Four Facts about Soaring Consumer Food Prices
- Presentation (video): Trends in Global Energy: When Will Consumption Peak?
- Presentation (video):The Future of Oil and Welfare in Oil-Exporting Countries
- Article: Our Common Energy Future: What do 167 Years of Data Say?
Contact Us
The Commodities Unit of the Research Department provides information on primary commodity market developments. For additional information, read our FAQs or write to us.