IMF Executive Board Calendar

As part of the Fund's increased transparency, the tentative calendar of the formal meetings and seminars of the Executive Board for the next seven days is shown below.

Please note that the calendar is subject to change, and that the agenda for each meeting is typically finalized the day before the meeting. The calendar posted below contains the latest available information.

An IMF Executive Board Calendar Archive is also available.

Last Update: September 19, 2024 13:27:59 ET

September 25, 2024 Back to Top

Country: Pakistan

Title: Pakistan - 2024 Article IV Consultation and Request for an Extended Arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility

Country: Liberia

Title: Liberia - Request for New ECF Arrangement

Country: Portugal

Title: Portugal - 2024 Article IV Consultation

September 27, 2024 Back to Top

Country: Türkiye, Republic of

Title: Republic of Türkiye - 2024 Article IV Consultation