Working Papers
November 22, 2024
The Role of Corporate Cash Holdings in the Transmission of Monetary Policy Tightening
Description: The U.S. economy has been exceeding expectations amid one of the most aggressive monetary policy tightening cycles. This paper provides firm-level evidence showing that abundant cash holdings enable firms to benefit from higher interest rates, thereby reducing net interest payments and mitigate the adverse impact from interest rate hikes to firms' investment and employment.
November 22, 2024
Remittances in Times of Uncertainty: Understanding the Dynamics and Implications
Description: This paper delves into the intricate relationship between uncertainty and remittance flows. The prevailing focus has been on tangible risk factors like exchange rate volatility and economic downturn, overshadowing the potential impact of uncertainty on remittance dynamics. Leveraging a new dataset of quarterly remittances combined with uncertainty indicators across 77 developing countries from 1999Q1 to 2019Q4, the analysis highlights that uncertainty in remittance-sending countries negatively affects remittance flows. In contrast, uncertainty in remittance receiving-countries has a more complex, dual effect. In countries with high private investment ratios, rising domestic uncertainty leads to a decline in remittances. Conversely, in countries with low public spending on education and health, remittances increase in response to uncertainy, serving as a social safety net. The paper underscores the heterogeneous and non-linear effects of domestic uncertainty on remittance flows.
November 22, 2024
Global Contagion of Financial Reforms
Description: We construct an extensive database of domestic financial reforms spanning 90 countries from 1973 to 2014. Utilizing this dataset, we estimate a structural model that incorporates various factors identified in the existing literature to explain the global contagion of financial reforms. Our findings reveal that (1) geopolitical influence and cross-country learning were the primary drivers behind the marked increase in financial reforms globally during the 1990s, and (2) the observed reversals of financial reforms in developing countries after the global financial crisis were driven by shifts in beliefs about the impact of these reforms on growth.
November 22, 2024
New Evidence on the US Excess Return on Foreign Portfolios
Description: We provide new estimates of the return on US external claims and liabilities using confidential, high-quality, security-level data. The excess return is positive on average, since claims are tilted toward higher return equities. The excess return is large and positive in normal times but large and negative during global crises, reflecting the global insurance role of the US external balance sheet. Controlling for issuer’s nationality, we find that US investors have a larger exposure to equity issued by Asia-headquartered corporations than reported in the aggregate statistics. Finally, equity portfolios are concentrated in ’superstar’ firms, but for US liabilities foreign holdings are less concentrated than the overall market.
November 15, 2024
China’s Path to Sustainable and Balanced Growth
Description: After decades of high growth, the Chinese economy is facing headwinds from slowing productivity growth and a declining workforce that are projected to lower potential growth substantially in the longer term. We project China’s potential growth over the medium to long term, showing that potential growth could slow to around 3.8 percent on average between 2025-30 and to around 2.8 percent on average over 2031-40 in the absence of major reforms. We present a reform scenario with structural reforms to lift productivity growth and rebalancing China’s growth towards more consumption, that would help China transition to “high-quality”—balanced, inclusive, and green—growth. We use production function and general equilibrium modelling approaches to show that potential growth could remain at around 4.3 percent between 2025-40 under the reform scenario.
November 15, 2024
Quarterly Projection Model for the Bank of Ghana: Extensions and Applications
Description: The paper documents the latest extensions of the Bank of Ghana’s Quarterly Projection Model (QPM), used regularly to produce policy analysis and forecasts in support of the Bank’s policy processes. The decomposition of GDP allows to separate the agriculture and oil sectors, driven by exogenous and international developments, from non-agriculture non-oil activities, which are more relevant from the central bank’s perspective of assessing the business cycle position. Inter-sectoral price spillovers and their role in the formation of inflation expectations are explicitly accounted, with important policy implications. Specific model applications – including impulse response functions and simulations of shocks that affect agricultural production, e.g., those caused by climate disruptions; and counterfactual simulations to evaluate recent policy choices – highlight the usefulness of the extended QPM in providing a more detailed account of the economic developments, enhance forecast coverage, and broaden its underlying narrative, thus strengthening the BOG’s forward-looking policy framework.
November 15, 2024
Foreign Exchange Intervention Under the Integrated Policy Framework: The Case of India
Description: This paper analyzes the effectiveness of foreign exchange intervention (FXI) in mitigating economic and financial shocks in India by applying the Integrated Policy Framework (IPF). It highlights how FXI can be a complementary tool in mitigating the tradeoff between output and inflation, specifically under large economic shocks amid temporarily shallow FX markets. The paper indicates that while FXI can soften adverse impacts on domestic demand and output during severe risk-off shocks, its benefits under normal conditions with liquid FX markets are limited.
November 15, 2024
Growth Convergence and Public Finances of India and its States
Description: Lack of convergence in per capita income across Indian states requires greater resources for lower-income states for investment and improved public services. Central and state governments need to raise revenue (both tax and non-tax), dismantle the administered pricing mechanism, reduce subsidies, and reorient expenditure toward national and state-level priorities. This is essential to ensure India remains on a sustainable fiscal path with higher growth, given the high public debt at the centre and state level. The observed wide differences in fiscal parameters across states require a tailored policy for each state. The large stock of debt of several states puts at risk the adequate financing of growth-enchancing expenditures.
Notes: Online Appendix
November 8, 2024
Citizens' Perceptions of Tax Authorities and Tax Efficiency in Africa
Description: This paper examines the relationship between citizens’ perceptions of tax authorities and the governments’ efficiency in collecting VAT and CIT revenues in Africa. Drawing on data from 32 countries over 2014-2019, we find a negative and significant association between negative perceptions of trust in authorities (the tax department) from the Afrobarometer survey and tax efficiency for these revenue categories. A 1 percent increase in the share of citizens’ perception of little or no trust in the tax department leads to a 0.22 percent decrease in VAT tax efficiency, controlling for macroeconomic indicators. The magnitude of the effect is significantly greater in fragile compared to non-fragile states. For corporate income tax productivity focusing on tax payments of corporates we find a significant effect only in fragile states. Perceptions about corruption in tax authorities have a similar effect on VAT and CIT tax efficiency since perceptions about trust and corruption capture the tendency to misappropriate revenues but we are unable to distinguish the two effects except for fragile states. Our findings suggest that in the face of fragility, policies aimed at improving fiscal capacity should place a high importance on ensuring that citizens believe resources will be used properly, an aspect of tax policy not typically prioritized.
November 8, 2024
Identifying Determinants of FX Stability in Mozambique
Description: In early 2021, as monetary policy tightening reversed a multi-year trend of Metical depreciation, the exchange rate vis-à-vis the US dollar de facto stabilized. This report discusses elements of the market structure and other drivers of Metical stability since mid-2021. The particularities of Mozambique, a small open economy with an export sector that has a strong foreign currency cost structure, provide important insights into that discussion, as does the structure and development of the Foreign Exchange (FX) market.