Working Papers
December 16, 2024
A Bitter Aftertaste: How State Aid Affects Recipient Firms and Their Competitors in Europe
Description: Industrial policy is once again at the forefront of the policy debate around the world. However, state aid is a contentious issue in the European Union given the need to maintain a level playing in its single market. This paper estimates the effects of state aid between 2016 and 2023 on listed nonfinancial firms in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom (until 2020) using a high-frequency identification approach to address endogeneity. It finds that firms that receive state aid increase employment and revenue, but not investment or labor productivity. Moreover, it finds that there are adverse spillover effects to competing firms that significantly undo any positive own effects. These findings suggest that, should there be a case for providing state aid to firms in the European Union, this should be done at the European level instead of the member state level to mitigate adverse spillovers. Pooling resources and competitively allocating aid across the Union could preserve market competition, encourage firm entry, and ensure a more efficient distribution of funds.
December 16, 2024
Industrial Policy in Europe: A Single Market Perspective
Description: European countries are increasingly turning to industrial policy to address the challenge of geopolitical fragmentation, enhance productivity, and accelerate the green transition. Well-targeted industrial policy has the potential to correct market failures and support production efficiency by exploiting scale effects and internalizing knowledge externalities. But even the most carefully designed unilateral industrial policies risk generating negative production externalities in other countries, and, under certain conditions, may not even be welfare-enhancing for the implementing country. The reason is that negative externalities of unilateral industrial policy can drive European and international production patterns away from underlying comparative advantages, create regional or global over-supply, and result in changes in terms of trade that reduce domestic welfare. This suggests significant benefits from coordination. Structural modeling and case studies show that a coordinated approach within the European Union and with international trading partners on a narrowly defined and carefully designed set of industrial policies could unlock untapped benefits. Closer European integration would facilitate the adjustment of firms and workers to coordinated and well-targeted industrial policies and amplify their benefits.
December 13, 2024
G3MOD: A Multi-Country Global Forecasting Model
Description: This paper develops G3MOD, a semi-structural gap-trend model designed for frequent external sector forecasts crucial in macroeconomic forecasting. Focused on the G3 economies (US, Euro Area, and China) and the rest of the world, G3MOD leverages insights from central banks’ policy models, to consistently translate external forecasts such as the IMF’s World Economic Outlook into a Quarterly Projection Model format. The model offers flexible simulations and policy assessments and is structured around trade and financial linkages. G3MOD supports model-based forecasts and risk evaluations, helping central banks integrate external forecasts and scenarios into their own forecasts, thus generating timely macroeconomic projections. Its calibration ensures alignment with historical data, economic coherence, and robust predictive capability, and it has been validated against major global projection models. The complete set of codes, calibrated parameter values, and supporting programs are posted with this working paper.
December 13, 2024
The Dynamics of Trade Integration and Fragmentation in LAC
Description: Trade barriers and poor infrastructure play an important role in limiting trade integration in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Closing half of the infrastructure gap between LAC and advanced economies could lift exports by 30 percent. Reducing import tariffs could boost LAC’s trade, but its responsiveness is lower than in other EMDEs, particularly in the long run, due to the region’s specialization in agricultural exports with inelastic demand and supply constraints like growing cycles and weather conditions. Amid deepening global trade tensions, LAC is well placed to withstand a mild trade fragmentation scenario, in which trade barriers are erected only among large economies. However, the region’s output losses could be sizable in more extreme scenarios, where the global economy splinters into competing economic blocs and LAC loses access to important markets. Boosting trade, including regional trade, could pay a double dividend of lifting growth in the region while mitigating risks from global fragmentation.
December 13, 2024
Reconciling Random Walks and Predictability: A Dual- Component Model of Exchange Rate Dynamics
Description: This paper addresses a key puzzle in international finance: whether exchange rates follow a random walk or exhibit predictable patterns. We demonstrate that exchange rates can possess a unit root while maintaining substantial predictability over certain horizons. Our model combines a stochastic trend—representing the slowly moving equilibrium exchange rate—and a stationary cyclical component capturing temporary deviations, reconciling long-term random walk behavior with medium-term predictability. This dual-component framework is essential for capturing three key features of exchange rate dynamics: expected exchange rate changes are not zero, they are highly persistent, and there is a strong relationship between exchange rate levels and expected future changes. Without the stationary component, expected exchange rate changes would be zero, and if the stochastic trend evolved too quickly, this relationship would break down. To illustrate, we extend the Bacchetta and van Wincoop (2021) framework (which generates a stationary component of the exchange rate) with a stochastic trend. Our model generates an inverted U-shaped pattern where forecast accuracy peaks at intermediate horizons and predicts that multi-year exchange rate changes are increasing multiples of one-year changes. Using data from 2000–2024 for nine inflation-targeting countries with freely floating exchange rates, we find strong empirical support for these predictions, with our model consistently outperforming the random walk benchmark in out-of-sample tests.
December 13, 2024
Output Gap Uncertainty and Fiscal Policy Adjustment in Real-Time in Emerging Economies
Description: Uncertainty around the real-time output gap has important implications for fiscal policy. This study uses successive vintages of the World Economic Outlook for emerging markets (EMs) during 1998-2022 to examine the reaction of discretionary fiscal policy to uncertain economic cycle in real-time. The findings show that EMs tend to have persistently negative and significantly more volatile real-time output gap estimates compared to advanced economies (AEs) and are less responsive to the output gap shocks. We calibrate a New Keynesian DSGE model to match the behavior of an average EM. The results from the model suggest that when EM policy makers are equally concerned about uncertainty around the output gap estimates and about fiscal implementation, fiscal policy is less counter-cyclical than the benchmark case with no uncertainty, entailing an efficiency loss for the purpose of output gap stabilization. On the other hand, when the concern is only about output gap uncertainty, EM policy makers tend to react more counter-cyclically but at a cost of public debt spiking in the short term and stabilizing over the long term. This implies that it might be optimal for EM policy makers to act more aggressively to stabilize the economy. We show that by adjusting the relative importance of output gap vs debt stabilization in their objective function, EM policy makers can achieve a similar outcome as in the benchmark case with no uncertainty.
December 6, 2024
The Heterogeneous Impacts of Firm Upgrading on Energy Intensity
Description: This paper examines how export activity impacts a firm's energy intensity, emphasizing the upgrading process. We introduce a firm-level complexity index incorporating two dimensions: the complexity of the traded goods and market destinations. We show that growth in external demand incentivizes firms to undertake upgrading activities, resulting in lower energy intensity. However, financial constraints diminish the energy efficiency gains from upgrading, especially for small firms. Additionally, upgraded firms can leverage higher markups, but this is effective only for larger firms. The findings suggest targeted support for small firms and underscore the necessity of open trade in a fragmented global landscape.
December 6, 2024
Effects of IMF-Supported Programs on Gender Inequality
Description: Crises often require economic consolidations that may unevenly affect different segments of the population. Some crisis countries enter financial arrangements with the IMF and adopt adjustment programs, and studies have associated program conditionality with negative impacts on gender inequality. Proper evaluations of the impacts of IMF-supported programs on gender inequality require, however, credible control groups that address the counterfactual: do post-crisis gender disparities evolve differently without an IMF-supported program? We examine over 150 IMF-supported programs (1994-2022) using custom-tailored control groups that match each IMF-supported program country’s gender and economic trends and find overwhelming evidence against systematic impacts of IMF-supported programs on gender equality.
December 6, 2024
Riding Unicorns: Startups and Venture Capital in Japan
Description: The startup ecosystem in Japan has seen gradual growth, supported by the government’s recent "Startup Development Five-Year Plan" and a significant interest from overseas venture capital. This paper lays out the startup financing ecosystem in Japan, with comparison to international peers, and studies potential drivers of startup financing and their relevance for startups’ performance. The results, based on country-level aggregate analysis, underscore the critical role of firm dynamism and entrepreneurship in supporting capital investment and firm valuations. Further analyses at the firm level suggest that equity funding helps startups innovate, grow, and successfully exit. Moreover, the impact of funding on the likelihood of a successful exit appears to be higher in cultures that seem to reward risk taking.
November 22, 2024
Implementing Risk-Based Solvency for Insurers—Lessons from Kenya, Mexico, and South Africa
Description: International standards and best practice supports the implementation of a risk-based solvency regime in the regulation and supervision of insurers. Several emerging market and developing economies are transitioning to such a solvency regime or planning to do so. This paper discusses Kenya, Mexico, and South Africa’s journey to putting in place a risk-based solvency regime which had several common elements notwithstanding significantly different insurance sectors. The transition was a multi-year project requiring dedicated additional resources; restructuring of the regulator, including redesigning supervisory processes and tools and upgrading information technology systems; and significantly greater coordination between the regulator and the insurance industry.